the big bang burger challenge

Start from the beginning

"I don't mind at all. Expecting you to remember the entire scope of our conversation would be asking too much." you spoke with a quiet chuckle. He was being considerate, and that gesture did not go unappreciated.

Maruki breathed what seemed to be a sigh of relief. His eyes softened as he opened his mouth again, "I never quite explained what my research is about. You see, I'm aiming to study how pain is felt in the mind, or, metaphorically speaking, in the heart. Physical pains—those of the body from illness, for example—can be thought of as something necessary. The pain we feel from non-bodily injuries stem from completely intangible things, and there's a lot we don't quite understand about it yet. And I...well, I'd like to learn more about that psychological paradigm."

"So, essentially, you're studying trauma?" you should've suspected it would've been something so simple. Even so, it's an incredibly complex, nuanced subject that still required detailed research. You felt honored to help Maruki out like this.

"Yes, in a sense. And how to treat it more effectively." The doctor clicked his pen a few times. It was a marked habit of his: fidgeting as he thinks. "So, now, I'd like to pose the first question: when do you truly feel this sort of pain?" he spoke in a way that signified his patience.

A loaded question right off the bat, hm? It wasn't unexpected considering the subject matter, but it was something that required a lot of thought for a cohesive, candid response. "Well..." you leaned forward, tapping your fingers along the cool plastic table, "Recently, my mother had been the victim of workplace abuse at the hands of her employer. I was angry and hurt that I couldn't feasibly do anything for her without jeopardizing her job. Thankfully, though, her boss was, um—h-he was fired." you couldn't let the secret about posting on the Phan-Site get out, even if you trusted Maruki.

Maruki quickly jotted down your answer before speaking again. "I see. Yes, I can definitely sympathize with that. It's disheartening to feel powerless in a situation where your loved one is in danger. I'm glad she's doing better, though!"

You nodded in reply, your lips curved into a slight smile.

"It's rough. Struggling with pain in your heart is something one can only go on with for so long." Again, he clicked his pen. "How about pain of a broken heart, then? Have you given any thought on the matter? As a counselor, I can speak from experience: much of what plagues a young person's mind—aside from the stress of exams and extracurriculars—are relationship troubles."

Love, and a broken heart. It's a cycle, in your mind. One cannot exist without the other, but it's a struggle every person experiences in some form or another. "I've had my heart broken, as many people have. I kinda regretted how things ended with my boyfriend in high school, but it's honestly nothing too severe compared to what other people have felt." Maruki's eyes were unwavering; that should've been intimidating, but it wasn't. It was a signal to you that he was listening with his whole heart so you would be encouraged to keep going. "But, if you ask me, it's a necessary part of life. We get our hearts broken as kids and grow from those experiences. In terms of love, a broken heart teaches you what to look for in a relationship and to know when the relationship itself is heading downhill. More importantly, if you have a good support system, it can teach you healthy coping mechanism given pain is a natural part of life..."

Maruki laughed, but not in a condescending way. "That's very poetic of you, but also very insightful." He started, setting his pen down altogether. Did you already mess up and give too much of a cookie-cutter answer? "That's a very positive approach. It's admirable." His eye contact with you broke, warm brown eyes averted to the window, and at the people of Shibuya walking behind you. "Personally speaking, if pain can be avoided, it should be. And perhaps it would be best to eliminate it entirely."

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