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Dark covered his own top lip before making his way into town, with most busy, the only one to accompany him was Bing.

Bing was the first android in the castle. Hes glitchy and not as effiecent as Google, so Bing stays in the garage for repairs. He has a simple design, with no synthetic skin, only a cold metal. His eyes are black with orange iris' and he had no hair, just a backwards cap. He always wore muscle tanks and jeans, the clothing usually covered in grease.

"Why do you need foundation, again?"

"Because I'm out," Dark responded simply, trying to find the light green shade.

"You're not green though,"

"Your color processors must be broken, this isnt green," he paid for the bottle with two coins and stuck it in his pocket.

"Mhm, sure," Bing rolled his eyes, accompaning Dark back to the castle. "Would you like an update on Google?"


"We couldn't find one of the broken pieces, see, over his chest theirs a small glass...door that hides his 'heart' I have the same thing. His 'heart' is everything. His processor, his memories, his code. His 'heart' got damaged badly. I cant figure it out,"

"Well...make a new one,"

"A new one?"

"Yes, make a new Google, this one specialized in fighting and protection, thank you, Bing,"

Back in the castle, Anti was in the libary. The library was huge, with tall book shelves covering every wall in the octogan shaped room. Their were ladders which led to small indents in the wall. The indents could fit maybe one (and a half) people and were cushiony, it was a chair in the wall. The floor was covered in tables and lamps and chairs. It was quite cozy.

Anti sat in one of the wall indents, his legs against the walk oppisote him and holding a tall bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey in between his thighs. He was reading one of the books he had found relating to royalty and how to win.

Hes found three ways.

One; murdering the other. Yeah, that couldn't happen.

Two; Getting the other to surrender. Highly unlikely.

And three; Marriage.

Apparently pleantly of royaltly has gone though several marriages just for the crown to be shared.

"Listen to this, Hosty, King Mark, the king before Damien, married this village lady named Amy. Amy was an extermly powerful demon and the only reason nobody dared to fight King Damien for the crown. Despite Queen Amy being married into the crown she was even more respected then the king himself." Anti hummed, dropping his empty beer bottle the...seven or eight feet to the  ground, a manic grin spreading on his face as he heard it shatter.

"You can't marry Dark," The Host said simply, an evil tone in his voice.

"I'm his soulmate, pretty sure I can,"

"Wilford would kill you," The Host went quiet minus his soft mumbling ad Dark walked into the room.

Anti only grinned, glitching down to Darks level. "Say, Darky, what do you think about a...proposal of sorts?"

Crown ; Septic/Iplier ; Danti ; Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now