39. yongha's sad and taekhyeon and sungwon are missing

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dumb 🤕: nah lmao but junseo's text message has the same energy as "wHaT i'M aBoUt tO sAY miGhT hUrt sOmE pEopLe. bUt i dOn'T gIvE a sHiT."

dumbo that loves jinsung: but it's the opposite

doyum lover 😩: somehow

desperate: whores

left side 🤩: stfu and go stream the answer by ab6ix

dumbest 😔: stan dongkiz

dumbo that loves jinsung: FUCK YES SKSKJS

teawoo ☕️: sorry but that's not my cup of tea
teawoo ☕️: HEHEHEHEHE GET IT?? TEA?? 

doyum lover 😫: i didn't wanna say this but.. you're not funny

dumbest 😔: ^^ where's the lie??

teawoo ☕️: fuck you
teawoo ☕️: both of you

dumbo that loves jinsung: i'm bored

left side 🤩: d i c k

desperate: i'm this fucking close 🤏 to giving up on all of humanity

dumbest 😔: 🧸✨🌱☁️🌙😪🥺💌🐥🐯🐶🦋🌻🍒🥢🏹⛲️⛱🌌⛓🎈🎐📌📎🖍🖇🔐💛💙
dumbest 😔: these emojis are so fucking adorable i'm crying

doyum lover 😫: what?? yongha was just- nvm

dumbo that loves jinsung: chopsticks and cherry emojis are cute?? how??

dumbest 😔: they just have this thing to them uwu it's so cute

dumb 🤕: i-
dumb 🤕: can i just say that hanse from victon is hot

left side 🤩: U M  H O W  A B O U T  N O ? ? ?

dumbest 😔: seungsik is adorable

left side 🤩: ARE YALL IGNORING ME??

desperate: omg yes but have u seen sejun?? he makes my heart shatter i cri :((

[sunshine ☀️ has logged on]

sunshine ☀️: subin = babie

[sunshine ☀️ has logged off]

left side 🤩: UR A BABIE TOO WTF
left side 🤩: WHERE TF WERE YOU
left side 🤩: oh he left

dumbo that loves jinsung: stream mayday

doyum lover 😫: OMG DO U GUYS REMEMBER
doyum lover 😫: WE MET SEUNGWOO


dumbo that loves jinsung: ffs i wanna meet bts

left side 🤩: bitch wtf u met j-hope stfu

desperate: UM???

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