Fight (of course)

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I found myself sitting between Sam and Blaine when Mr Shu came in. I was bracing myself for yet another 'pep talk'. I was right.
"Thank you all for being here today. The fact that all of you put your new lives aside to come down really shows how much you care for your friend in need." He scanned the classroom but no one looked at him apart from Rachel and Finn. The last thing I needed right now was to feel like I was back at school.

School was a lot easier than real life I've come to know. Everyone told me that when I was younger, but I never listened. High school me would've placed a bet on feeling everyone staring at me after people found out that I was gay of the hardest time in my life. Boy, was I wrong. Living with Berry and Lady Hummel is far worse.

I ignored the rest of his droning speech and looked over at Quinn. She had done the same and was looking aimlessly around the white waiting room when she met my eyes. She weakly smiled at me and I just managed to force a smile. I'd been so upset I hadn't smiled at all in two days. From what everyone perceives me to be, not smiling would be quite normal for me. They're completely wrong. I don't know why everyone is so precious. I keep it real and am only nice to people that I love, surely that isn't that odd? I was only pulled back into reality when I heard my name.
"Santana, as you're Brittany's...." I glared at Mr Shu, "best friend, you can choose when you go into see her."
"I'll go last. All these people are annoying me." I replied whilst Tina turned to me and rolled her eyes. I wouldn't be having that.
"Roll those eyes any further back you might find a brain, or maybe some sort of dress sense, Tina" I scolded as Quinn pinched Tina next to her and whispered  to her not to retaliate.

I watched as everyone walked into the room Brittany was in and returned once again. I was trying to banish the thoughts of how injured she'd be from my brain when Sam came running out.
"It's alright, dude, she's-" Finn started
"It's not 'alright' is it! If Rachel was in there and I said that to you you'd kill me!"
Finn awkwardly looked over at Rachel, as they were broken up, Rachel quickly turning her head away from his longing gaze.
"Well... well get over yourself! Stop making a scene. I was only trying to help.."
"Oh, so you wanna a scene? I'll give you something to cry about!" Sam yelled, punching Finn in the face.
"That's enough!" Mr Shu yelled whilst pulling Sam away from a slightly injured Finn. "This is not the place to start fighting." he said, calmer now. Finn looked sympathetically at Sam who was making his way to the exit.
Well, it isn't a proper McKinley High reunion if there isn't a fist fight between the boys.
I then realised. It was my turn to go in because Sam had just-rather dramatically- exited. Mr Shu looked over at me to go but I had already gone.

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