3. Loneliness

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Hugging me, holding me close.

"Why are you tensed, Rose? Relax. I am here and I am not going anywhere," He said in a smoothen tone, patting my head.

"Not tensed. Fear and guilt. It was fear and guilt. Fear of losing you and Guilt of something happening to you because of me," I said snuggling more into him, inhaling his scent.

He slightly broke the hug, and with me still, in his arms, he cupped my face, "Don't you think you are trusting me too soon and too much Nandini? We just met once and you were so disturbed because of me."

I sighed in his arms. I broke the hug completely and stood in front of the window, staring at the sky.

"You are not the first person I have got home Manik. There were about ten to twelve guys before you but no one was like you. They were ready to force themselves on me," I shivered remembering two incidents where I was on the verge of losing my dignity, forcefully.

I felt two cold arms around my waist, taking me in a back hug. I held his arms on my waist and continued, "They just wanted one thing that was my body. They were even ready to rape me.," I felt his body stiffen. I tightened my grip on his arms, "I somehow escaped. None of them wanted to be my friend, comfort me, or even listen to my story but you did."

I slightly turned towards him, still in the back-hugging position. I caressed his cheek while speaking, "You comforted me Manik. You knew that I was not comfortable. You stopped yourself. You gave all your ears to whatever I had to say. You stayed," I let out everything looking into his eyes.

"It's fine Manik, if you will break my trust or leave me after two months but still I want to take my chances. I never had friends in my life Manik. You are my first friend. I want to spend time with you. No one was as generous as you are. No one wanted to be my friend. First time in my life someone wants to be my friend, fake or real, I don't know but I want to live these moments. I want to be your friend Manik. Please accept my friendship. If not for a lifetime at least for these two months." I pleaded. I didn't know when tears made their way through my eyes.

"I want to experience what a friendship is. How it feels to have someone by your side when you need them. Sharing things. Everything." My voice choked.

"Shhh!! Stop crying," He wiped my tears and rested his hands on my cheeks, "Only a stupid and idiotic person will not want to be your friend. I am neither of them," I chuckled.

He pulled me towards the bed and made me sit, with him sitting on the floor in front of me, "I want to be friends with this cute, short, and chubby girl not just for two months but for a lifetime. Okay?" He slightly punched on my cheeks, playfully making me giggle.

My smile vanished thinking about Miller, "Miller?" I said looking at Manik.

"I'll kick him out of your life within these two months. Don't worry" He assured me.

"Look. Your coffee has become cold," He said eyeing the coffee cup, "Come. Let's get you another one." Saying this he stood up, held my hand, and dragged me to the kitchen.

"What could I get you, ma'am?" John, my caretaker, asked. John has been my caretaker from birth. He is around 45. He is a very friendly and jolly person. He even tried helping me to get out of this hell, but couldn't succeed. After Mom, John was the only person I could rely on.

"Nothing. I'll manage," I signaled him to move out.

"Okay, Ma'am. If you need anything please let me know. Be careful," His concern always touched my heart.

"I will." I smiled.


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