He must be used to this, even though he shouldn't be. Who would get used to rumors and false statements, I know I wouldn't. He's nothing like those rumors, San's more than that.

I gave him an encouraging smile and resumed talking to Seonghwa hyung.

"Calm down, hyung. Geez, I'm so sorry for worrying you but you need to chill or you'll pass out again. I'm not in school anymore...I'm at San's-"

"YOU'RE AT WHO'S HOUSE!!! WOOYOUNG, I SWEAR TO-" Damn, is he that pissed off at San? He seemed grateful when I told Seonghwa San saved me from the perverted bastard.

"Damn, hyung, are you that mad at me? I thought Shorty told you we were on good terms with each other, or something similar to that?" He looked at me with a mysterious glint in his eyes, and my eyes widened in surprise. "I did tell him about it." I mouthed to answer his nonverbal inquiry, and he pecked my cheek in response. I flushed and carefully touched the cheek he kissed.

"HELLO??!!!!??? HELLO????!?!!!???" I snapped out of my trance and answered back.

"Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, stop screaming in my ear or I'll be deaf. Yes, I'm with San and he's not doing anything to me. We actually talked and well............let's just say I'm very happy that we worked it out."

The sound of an AC and Seonghwa's breathing was the only sounds that were heard on the other line, yet we both knew he was contemplating what I just said. I squirmed around in my seat, anxious for the Angry Bird's reaction. He must've had sensed my uneasiness and positioned himself behind me. San wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head on my neck. I giggled and pecked his forehead. He beamed at me and leaned toward the phone.

"No offense, hyung, but what is the real reason you called his phone? We were in the middle of something, just to let you know. Like people say, timing is everything, but yours was awful." I lightly smacked his arm and he laughed. Why did he say that? Great.....just great!!!! Seonghwa's gonna kill me!!!! Now I have to face the wrath of Seonghwa. We both heard a loud thud and some scuffling on the other line, we both raised an eyebrow and perked up our ears to listen closely.

"Why's your face like this, baby? Seonghwa? SEONGHWA???!!!??? What did you do, Jung Wooyoung?? I demand an answer; he looks very pale and it's kinda creeping me out." Oh, it's Mingi hyung!!! His tone had a hint of panic, but I just rolled my eyes to the back of my head. Jeez, even he knows about his boyfriend's over-reactive antics, but here we are.

"We didn't do anything but answered his questions, Mingi hyung. He's just being over-"

"DON'T TELL ME YOU DID IT!!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!!"Seonghwa hollered, interjecting once more. I facepalmed myself while San was laughing his mother fucking ass off. His whole body leaned against mine to support his shaking body. I pushed him off with my body and once again resumed the conversation.

"Okaaaaaaaaaay, hyung, let's not go down that path, alright? We didn't have sex, so calm the hell down. So, why did you call me, hmm?" This conversation has gone long enough, so might as well get to the point to avoid the drama. I heard more scuffling on the other line and protests from Seonghwa. I held back my laughter and waited for a reply from one of them.

"Did Mr. Madrid tell you about the project he assigned to us?" What? Since when did Mingi take dance lessons? He kept saying his moves are "legit and sonsational" and he doesn't need someone to teach him how to dance properly.

"I thought you didn't want to take dance classes, hyung? What made you change your mind?"

"Thought to give it a shot, turns out the teacher's not half bad. Now answer my question please." I smirked and said a simple "no".

You're My Treasure: Story of WoosanWhere stories live. Discover now