41: The mission

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"Being pregnant is supposed to be the happiest time in your life." - Kyla Platt

It had started to rain, and slowly the rain put the fire out. Valery was sitting under a tree, watching the spectacle for hours. She was holding her crown in her hands, and traced the edges with her fingers. Valery saw watched her father walking up to her and he sat down next to her. Kane shook his head and scoffed. He grabbed Valery's hand and squeezed tightly in it.

Valery looked sideways to her father. "C-congratulations." He stuttered and he tried to smile faintly. "News travels fast... Don't you guys have more important things to focus on? Like that for example..." Valery replied quietly as she looked to the Ark.

Kane sighed. "I am sorry Lily, I just don't know what to say." Kane said a bit sheepishly. "Dad, I really don't wanna have this talk now." Valery replied indignantly. "Please just go away." Valery looked down to her crown again and she felt tears coming up. Kane wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close against him.

"I will be there for you Lily, I promise. I'm your dad. I will be there for both of you." He whispered. Valery looked alarmed up to him and pushed his arm away. She stood up and turned around at him. "Dad? Really, a dad? Where were you 'dad' the first 18 years of my life? I can't count on anyone here, especially not on you with this. I am going to do this. And I am going to do this alone."

Kane wanted to get up but sat down again. "Okay Lily, i'll let you do your things. But because I screwed it up so bad with you, I want to do it differently this time. Please." Kane said. Valery looked down to her father, while the rain was falling down on her.

"Dad, I am not even sure if this child will survive. No,- if I will survive! I'd rather want to get rid of it right away but for now it's the only thing that keeps me alive in that shithole Polis!" Valery hissed. Kane sighed and looked a bit passed Valery. Valery looked behind her and saw Roan standing behind her.

"We need to talk." He said and he walked away. Valery looked back to her father. "You can't count on me right?" Kane said and he stood up to walk away from her. Valery opened her mouth but no sound came out. "Shit..." Valery mumbled and she walked along with Roan.

"Roan, I'm sorry-" Valery started but she got immediately interrupted. "-Val, I will support you as much as I can, but please take care of the baby. Not for me, but for yourself. You'll regret in the deepest of your heart if you get rid of it. It's what you've always wanted." Roan said.

Valery looked Confused at him. "What do you mean, Roan?" Valery asked more calmed down. "I will tell you when the time comes." He said and he bend over to kiss her. "You are a strong woman, I admire you. And you deserve to be happy." Roan said as he held her face in between his hands.

"Come Val, try to get some sleep." Roan sat down with Valery against a tree and covered themselves with a blanket. She laid her head on his shoulder and watched the flames until she fell asleep. She woke up when Roan shook her awake. She opened her eyes and saw that the fire had gone out. "We have to attend a meeting Val." Roan whispered.

Roan and Valery walked into the Ark, not everything had perished into ash. They walked into the room where they'd talk about their strategies, that was still good. When Valery and Roan walked in, there was Clarke, Monty, Kane and Bellamy. "Congratulations to you guys." Clarke said friendly. "Thank you very much." Roan replied with a smile.

"Thanks Clarke." Valery mumbled, avoiding Bellamy's sight. "Okay let's get down to business." Monty said. "To defeat the Huns?" Valery asked and couldn't help but grin. She looked up and everyone looked confused at Valery, only Bellamy's mouth curled up a bit in both corners.

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