40. Negotiations

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Valery was walking through the corridors, her head up high and ready to strike a blow if someone would cross her way. She made her way down to the stables, followed by her guard Horus. "Saddle two up, now." Valery ordered him. "My Queen?" Horus asked carefully. "You are going to take me to Arkadia, I need a word with a someone." Valery said irritated. "The King-"

"-The King can drop dead and so can you if you don't ready those bloody horses!" Valery said angrily and drew her hood over her head. Valery did not had to say it twice, and within ten minutes they rode out of Polis, to Arkadia. They rode in gallop to Arkadia, Horus hardly keeping track with Valery. "My Queen, it is not for me to judge but Skaikru-"

"-I know what they did, and that's why I want a word!" Valery said back to him. In the distance, she saw a man bend over someone ying on the ground. "Help!" The man shouted. Valery stopped abruptly and narrowed her eyes to have a better look at him. "My Queen, this is not-"

"-I recognize him." Valery replied and she dismounted her horse. "Oh shit..." The man mumbled. "My Queen." He replied. "Trishanakru, how did you find her?" Valery asked calmly, looking at an unconscious Octavia with a huge belly stab wound. "I was on my way home from Polis when I found her." He replied.

"Okay, get her on your horse, and follow me." Valery said with a sigh. With the three of them and a still unconscious Octavia, they made their way to Arkadia. In the distance, Valery saw the fences of Arkadia and the Ark rising above it. It made her feel a little anxious and sad but not enough to control her temper. They dismount their horses and walked to the gate.

"I have a wounded woman!" Ilian yelled, holding her. "Oh, and the Azgeda Queen!" He added quickly. The gates opened and Valery removed her hood. "It's Octavia Blake!" Ilian yelled as he was running inside the Ark. Valery saw Harper following Ilian.

"Damn, that's Val Kane."
"She married the Azgeda King."
"She's on the other side now."
"Man, she really looks like shit."

Several people were staring at her and whispering about her. Valery stopped and looked around, looking for a familiar face. The one who walked up to her none other than Jaha. "Valery Kane, how are you? For what do we owe this pleasure?" Jaha asked. Valery looked serious at Jaha. "Octavia's half dead. She was on her way to warn you. we found her and brought her here."

"Warn me? For what?" Jaha asked. Valery did not reply and walked passed Jaha, towards the Ark. She took a deep breathe and Valery kicked the door open, walking in. Octavia got taken away on a crash cart and everyone looked panicky at Valery when she appeared.

"Valery? What's going on? Is Roan marching towards Arkadia?" Clarke asked her. "Yes, he is." Valery replied. "Well, did you try to stop him?" Clarke asked. "I did not even know he was planning to attack it, just like I didn't know about this whole Ark thing you guys are working on!" Valery snapped.

"But Roan is on his way here with his army? Octavia told us." Clarke asked. "Yes he is and he has Kane and Bellamy as hostages!" Valery replied. "Oh no, what?!" Clarke asked panicky. "Well you can't blame him Clarke, I am also pretty pissed off! I had the right to know!"

"Well if it makes you feel better, you were on the list." Harper said stingy. "What list?" Valery asked confused. "Only a hundred people can be on the Ark, Clarke here made a list of the people worth living." Harper replied. Valery looked confused at Clarke and Harper. "Okay we will draw names now! But that's not the main issue now!" Clarke said irritated and looked at Valery.

"Why are you here Val? Truly." Clarke asked. "Roan is holding Kane and Bellamy as hostages. I don't know what Roan will do to them. Echo killed Stephens. Take me as a hostage here too, I know Roan would want me back. And I could maybe try to change his mind." Valery said with a sigh. "Val, why would you do that? Why would you go back to Roan? Stay with us. With Bellamy." Clarke said.

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