Chapter 2

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Khushi looked out of the window, aimlessly gazing at the empty roads and lights that adorned countless Delhi homes, as they made their way to Laxmi Nagar. She leaned closer against the door frame, trying to put as much distance as possible between Arnav and herself, despite the fact that it was impossible since they sat less than an arm's length from each other in his SUV. She wanted to focus on anything else but him, 'Hai Devi Maiya please give me strength, I just want to get home.' Her breath grew shaky, as she felt his gaze on her for the umpteenth time. She knew he had been staring at her since they left Shantivan and she knew he wanted to talk but what would he say that could justify what had happened?

Arnav sighed deeply as he saw her inch closer towards the passenger door as she looked out of the window. He looked away from her, refocusing his attention on the road ahead. A deafening silence had engulfed the SUV since they had left Shantivan 10 minutes ago. Since then, he lost count of how many times he glanced over at her in between driving, he just couldn't help himself. He wanted to speak to her, to talk about what happened between them, he wanted to know what she was thinking. Before he could talk to her at Shantivan, she had tried to leave the party discreetly and now she was silent. But it was clear to him that she had a lot on her mind. He wanted her to confront him like she always did and berate him, but this time all he received was her silence. He just needed to know that she was okay and that they were okay or would be okay.

As he slowed down at a newly turned red signal, he decided that he had to at least try to speak to her. For Arnav Singh Raizada, conversations that did not involve business were rare and something he always felt nervous about, not to mention conversations that included speaking about his feelings were a completely different story. He called out to her, "Khushi..." After what felt like an eternity, to his surprise, she turned to him and looked straight into his eyes, with an unreadable expression across her face. The woman in front of him was making him more anxious as the second passed. He took a deep breath and tried to collect his thoughts as best as he could, "Khushi... I want to talk about what happened earlier at the poolside..."

Before he could continue, she interrupted him in a soft voice, as she lowered her eyes, "It should not have happened. You... you're Lavanyaji's b..." She stopped herself, unable to continue, feeling the weight of shame travel through her body as she remembered what she had done.

"Khushi-" Just then, the signal turned green, he resumed driving as he continued, "Khushi listen-"

She knew what was coming, she would face the reality of the situation. She was unwanted and dispensable in this chaos. She interjected, "It meant nothing...." She added in a whisper, "I already know that..." as a tear streamed down her cheek.

Her words diced through his body, wounding his heart. His voice grew shaky as he tried once more, "Khushi no... please let me speak..." He pulled over to the shoulder of the road and killed the engine.

She looked away from him, revealing the thoughts that were haunting her, "It was wrong...this was a mistake. I betrayed Lavanyaji, my friend, I broke her trust, how could I do this? And you, you are in a relationship with her, you cheated her with m-..." 

"ENOUGH!" His voice boomed through the SUV.

He clenched his jaw as his thoughts raged on. He had been hanging on by a thread and her last words had just severed the thread. She- she said that we were a mistake, that I- I betrayed Lavanya, cheated her... just like Papa had done to Ma with that other woman. Papa was selfish and a coward who sought both women and ruined everyone's lives in his path. Arnav had not meant for this to happen the way it did, he never deliberately two-timed Lavanya nor Khushi. But he knew he wronged them; he had hurt them both. But he knew one thing, he was not his father, he was not another Arvind Malik. He was Arnav Singh Raizada and he was not afraid to own up to his actions and right his wrongs. He had to make it right. 

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