Chapter No.159. Surprise.

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Chapter No.159. Surprise.

Don't blink!

The Queen's Chamber was installed in the hidden chamber. It had its own central core processor that could be decoupled from the main core processor in engineering. In this way, I could prevent an assimilation by breaking away and using my powers to run the collective directly.

Frankly, I didn't think I would ever need it, but I was about to get a tough lesson about making assumptions.

I was in the chamber getting used to the systems when Alexa suddenly appeared. I looked up at her and immediately realized something was wrong.

"We have a problem," she said, frowning.

"Let me guess, it's Tyco."

"No, it's a large fleet of ships of unknown configuration."

I looked at the main screen and saw that Alexa had stopped time. "They're definitely a new configuration. Do you have any idea where they came from?"

"The androids think they're from another universe. They appear to be a robotic species."

"I assume they tried to assimilate us," I said.

"Yes, but I jammed it."

"Did the androids try to assimilate them?"

"No. They were unable to."

"Let's start up time again but slow it up so that we can deflect their weapons' fire and try to get into their system."

She nodded. "Okay, I'll deflect the weapons, you try to get into their system."

I put on a helmet connected to a private computer core that was able to make contact with all the aspects of my positronic brain.

"I'm ready."

The computer power battle was not going to be easy. I met an unexpected degree of resistance at first, but then I realized that I had the combined brain power of a million androids to help me break through this enemy's system.

I started time up again but slowed it down to a rate of one second per sixty seconds in real time. This allowed me to slow their attempt to resist my attack on their system, making it possible for me to penetrate it. Once I had control, I gave it over to Alice to complete the takeover. But it wasn't quite over yet. I had to gain control of their ships and stop them from trying to fire weapons at us.

After several minutes of slow time, I knew that I had succeeded when I saw Alexa turn and smile. We had taken them over without firing a shot.

I started up time to its proper rate. "Well, that was rather weird."

"Yes, but we managed to capture at least ten thousand robotic creatures."

"I'm curious as to why they attacked us. We're not biological."

"Maybe they were confused by our appearance."

"I think I'll go over to their command ship and find out a few things."

"Do you require assistance?"

"No, you stay here and make sure nothing else happens,"

She nodded.

I teleported to what I perceived as the control module of their command vessel. The interior of their vessel was spartan, consisting mostly of equipment, which is common for robotic species. And, they were definitely robotic. Their bodies were metallic, and they had only orbital eyes on their helmet heads with no mouth or nose.

"Greetings," I said. "I'm Jason, the Prime Mover of our collective. I may look like a biological creature, but I'm not. Everything you see is non-living."

They didn't react to that introduction, so I decided to be more direct. "We are a large collective of both android and robotic types who are dedicated to preserving peace in the multiverse. You are now under our control and will aid us in our mission."

"We will comply," I heard in my brain. Obviously, they don't employ sounds to communicate, relying on mental telepathy instead.

"We will send our crews over to bring your vessels up to our standard."

"We understand."

And, that was it. Not much for idle talk.

Later that evening when the command staff gathered in the hidden chamber after supper, the subject of our latest encounter was on top of the agenda.

"If this latest attack wasn't Tyco, who were they?" Barney asked.

"We believe they are a robotic species from another universe," I said. "We do have a location for that universe."

"We understand that this species was systematically destroying intelligent biological life," Helen said. "Why are they doing that?"

I rubbed my face. "Actually, It makes perfect sense if you consider what's happening. It turns out that intelligent biological species don't last all that long, and even if they do, they end up destroying one another in senseless wars. Space exploration is dangerous and filled with many survival problems, unless you're android or robotic. It was inevitable that non-living artificial intelligent creatures would be the ones who explore the universes, and it's easy to understand why a robotic species would consider biological life as being inferior and the source of devastating wars. The most logical thing to do would be to eliminate the problem, which would be species annihilation, or what we used to call genocide."

"That would suggest that we are the only sane artificial life form out here," Barney said. "I'm not sure that's a valid description of us."

"I wonder about that myself, but it's the situation that we find ourselves in and we'll just have to make do with what we have."

"Yes, but we run the risk of being taken over by Tyco," Helen said. "Then, we would be just a much more efficient agent of genocide."

"I am quite aware of that, but we must be vigilant and strong so that we don't fall under his influence. We can't do it if we're weak, so strength in both numbers and equipment, is the only sensible course of preparation for the final conflict."

"So, you assume there will be a climatic conflict?" Naguib said.

"I can't imagine any other scenario, but I could be in error. We could end up in an endless series of engagements until the end of time, whenever that is."

That was a sobering thought, but human wants and desires weren't about to take a vacation.

Helen raised her hand. "Not to change the subject, but are we going to allow pregnancies any time soon?"

My right eyebrow temporarily shot up. "I hadn't given it much thought considering the projects we've taken on of late. Why do you ask?"

She nervously looked around before looking back at me. "I've always wanted to have children, but life kind of got in the way."

"I don't see any reason you shouldn't have a child. I just don't want all of the women suddenly getting in the family way during this crisis."

"Thank you," she said, smiling briefly.

"Who's going to be the lucky father?" Marie asked her.

She held a hand to her lips before smiling. "I'm not sure. I'll have to give it some though."

"You won't have to advertise," Margaret said. "You'll get lots of volunteers."

They laughed.

I was happy that the meeting ended on a more pleasant note. It allowed all of us to relax with more pleasant thoughts. But, the struggle against Tyco wasn't about to go on vacation.

End of Part 16

Thanks for reading.

Part 17 will begin soon.

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