Chapter 2- Bar Fight

Start from the beginning

"But we all can't live a million years." Drax said.

"It was just a figure of speech, Drax. Thought you would get it by now." Rocket said.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"Yeah, I know his people take it seriously, Groot. We've been with this guy for over half a year now." He said, fiddling around with a strand of Lianna's red hair. The ramp went down and everyone got out of the ship. Lianna took Rocket off her shoulders and on to the ground.

"Hey, why don't we go to that bar over there." Rocket pointed to the bar with the neon lights. "I heard they have pretty good drinks and a great gamblin' game. What d'ya say, Lianna?"

"Sounds like fun, let's go!" Lianna said. The two then rushed off to the bar.

"Well, they're having fun already." Gamora said.

"And it's time for us to, too." Peter put his arm around Gamora's shoulder, but she push his hand off and walked to the bar. "So much for trying." He said and walked along with Drax and Groot into the crowded bar.

-Time Skip-

Everyone was just having a blast. Drax and Peter were gambling over who's animal would make it to the finish line without being eaten, Rocket and Lianna were having some drinks and telling each other jokes, and Gamora and Groot were out on the balcony looking at the scenery of Knowhere.

"And then I said to the guy, 'If you can't get laid by anyone then how 'bout your mother! I mean how do you think you got here in the first place!'" Rocket laughed. Lianna laughed and tried to sip from her drink without spilling it.

"Oh, my god you really said that?!" She giggled.

"Yup, and you should've seen his face when I said it!" Rocket pounded his fist off the counter and laughed like a maniac. Lianna's laughs slowly faded into giggles when she remembered some important matters.

She cleared her throat and said, "So Rocket, how've you been over the years?"

"Oh, just fine. Groot's been wantin' to tell you somethin', but he knows you wouldn't be able to understand him." Rocket said a little drunkenly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be tryin' to get some extra money off Peter by beating him in his bets." Rocket slowly slid off the bar stool with his drink and walked over to Peter.

Lianna smiled and drank from her glass. She looked up at the clock and realized something.

"Shit." Lianna quickly jumped out of her seat and went outside. She looked around and saw an alley. She checked to see if anyone of her friends were watching. She didn't see Groot or Gamora, but she saw Rocket with the other two, smiling and laughing away. Lianna smiled, glad to se him in a good mood. She ran down the ally and to the dead-end.

"You made it." A mysterious voice said. Lianna turned around and saw a tall, skinny man with four arms, wearing a big drench coat, fedora, and a scarf around his neck.

"Did you bring what you promised?" The tall man asked. Lianna reached into her satchel and pulled out a bottle. "Aaah, Langarian blood." The man got closer to her, her heart beating twice as fast.

"A-And where's my promise?" Lianna stuttered. The man reached into his coat and pulled a small, long box with one arm and a small bag with another.

"Your units and 'gift'." The man slyly said. Lianna timidly reached out and snatched them from his hands. She slid the box and money into her satchel.

"T-Thank you, but I think I need to be going no-"

"Why in a hurry, Lianna?" The man got closer to her. "I thought we could talk a little, or maybe, I don't know, do some pleasuring," Lianna could see the wild, green grin on his face. Her brain started yelling, "GET OUT OF THERE!" when the man quickly pinned her arms and legs against the wall. Lianna struggled under his hands trying to slip out of the man's grip.

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