why me...

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Its been about a month and Mineta still bullys Bakugo. Sometimes letters sometimes in person. Bakugo still hasn't told anyone and it was really effecting him but he put a fake smile on and pretended everything was ok.

On Wednesday

Bakugo got up and got ready for the day: had a shower, brushed his teeth, got ready, covered his scars and packed his hero uniform "the one with the long sleeves" and left.

Todoroki met him by the door and asked to talk to him. Bakugo agreed. Todoroki took him to a hall way hardly anyone knew about not even Bakugo.

"so Katsuki tell me are you really as ok as you make out to be"Bakugo broke. "No I'm really not Mineta has been harassing me for a month I'm getting sick of it" todoroki became angry "so remember when i court you in the bathroom. Were you cutting" Bakugo sighed "yes.. I was.." "Ok well roll up your sleeves" "w-what w-why" Bakugo stuttered. "Roll up your sleeves NOW!" todoroki yelled with a tear rolling down his right  cheek so angry it turned to ice before it fell to the floor. Bakugo became worried and took off his blazer.

Todoroki looked down to see about 17 fresh cuts on bakugo wrists. Todoroki grabbed Bakugos wrist and said "I'm going to kill that grape mother fucker." Before Bakugo could say anything todoroki was running to the lounge. He was to scared so he stayed where he was.

Todorokis PoV

I saw Katsukis wrists and i knew he did that because of that grape mother fucker. My anger got the best of me and i ran to the lounge knowing Mineta was there being a pervert to the girls. "HEY YOU STUPID GRAPE BULLSHITTER" i yelled grabbing Mineta with my right arm lifting him off the floor. "LEAVE  BAKUGO ALONE YOU FUCKING BASTARD" i lost control of my power and it froze Minetas uniform. Aizawa walked in while i was holding Mineta in the air and he yelled "TODOROKI SHOTO DETENTION FOR CHOCKING YOUR CLASS MATE" i dropped Mineta carelessly. Aizawa gave me another hour detention for that but i didn't care and i went to find Bakugo.

Aizawas PoV

I go the lounge to see Mineta being chocked todoroki. I give todoroki detention and he did not care and he dropped Mineta leaving a bruise on his face and his uniform covered in ice. I then gave him another hour. I am going to talk to him after class.

In class

Bakugo came into class late. Aizawa didnt care he thought he must of been having trouble with his binder or something but really he wasn't he was just writing in his notebook and crying.

Bakugo sat in the back alone not really paying attention. "Ok class tomorrow you will be having a supply teacher" Aizawa anounsed to the class. Bakugo was worried he didnt want it to be a homophob. "Ok class dismissed shoto stay behind" Aizawa said.

Everyone left except todoroki. "So todoroki why were you joking Mineta earlier?" Aizawa asked. Todoroki closed his eyes trying not to get angry "he has been bullying Bakugo for months check Bakugos draw next to his bed its filled with the notes Mineta has been sending"

Aizawa was shocked 'come show me you're always in his dorm" the two men went upstairs to his dorm. There were two draws and Aizawa checked the wrong one and found notes. They looked like suicide notes. He picked one up and read it.

I am going to burn this later.
I can't take the bullying from Mineta. I can't take the fact that i know he is right. I am Katrina Bakugo and i hate that. I wish i was normal. I love and care for everyone. Whoever reads this please tell izuke im sorry and todoroki i love him. Call the police don't go in the bathroom.

Aizawa broke down in tears reading the note. He put the note down and opened the other draw where the notes Mineta were sending lied. Aizawa picked up the newest note.

Hello Katrina Bakugo. I've looked up your mother's social media and i found a picture of you

 I've looked up your mother's social media and i found a picture of you

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

look how pretty you WERE lol. Your tits are hella big maybe one day I'll sneak into your dorm like i do to momo. Time for your daily insults
Nobody will want a tranny as a hero.
I've seen your arms lol FREAK
Go fucking kill yourself.
Bye bye and TELL NOBODY.

"Ok i am expelling Mineta NOW im sorry todoroki you won't get detention" Aizawa said.  Todoroki was worried "what are you gonna do about the suicide notes..." "I'm not sure but something has to be done"

looks are deceiving حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن