the dairy entry 2

603 21 4

Dear diary

Today is the worst day of my fucking life. First todoroki found me cutting myself. Then today was my monthly inspection and i was told to take my socks and jacket and i did what i was told and she saw my cuts and she asked me why and i broke. I told her the truth and now i don't know what's going to happen now. I don't wanna go to another foster home and be abused once again and i don't wanna be kicked out of UA. GOD WHY IS MY LIFE SO COMPLICATED WHY CAN'T I JUST BE NORMAL!! I WISH I COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND STOP 11 YEAR OLD ME FROM TELLING MY PARENTS. THE WORDS MY MOTHER SAID TO ME STILL HAUNT ME TO THIS DAY. Her words were "no daughter of mine will be a boy pack you're things you're going to the orphonge tomorrow faggot." DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THOSE WORDS HAVE DONE TO ME THESE PAST 5 YEARS?! maybe i should just go back to being Katrina Bakugo. Then everyone will be happy... Well Aizawa just came in my room he looked sad i gotta go bye!!

looks are deceiving Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora