The black dragon sensed the worry coming off of me in waves and the shining gold eyes connected with my own. The dragon sends an image through our bond, a picture that took my breath away. 

The image was a clear as day as it flashed in front of my eyes. Closing my eyelids I took it all in. The healthy green grass, shining in the strays from the rising sun, lead through a group of trees. The trees were slim and tall as they reached up towards the sky with branches covered in different shades of green leafs that shimmered from the morning sun. The trees or the grass wasn't what had gotten the attention of my dragon, or me. It was the clear blue lake peaking through between the tree trunks. The lake was unlike any other I had ever laid eyes on and the surface reflected the sun's strays as well as its surroundings I felt the grief of leaving my family behind ease away and being replaced my pure joy.  The laughter that escaped me was full of happiness and as I opened my eyes I saw my dragon flying back toward me. I ran toward it and opened my arms just as the dragon collided with me. Miscalculating the force the black hatchling would have, I flew back from the sheer force of the collision I landed on my back with my black dragon wrapped securely in my arms. The air was whooshed out of my lungs as I landed on the ground and less then a second afterwards Eragon was kneeling beside me and tried to pry my arms off of the little dragon. I didn't want to let it go though; I wanted him or her to be in my arms because that's were I felt safe. But Eragon managed to loosen my grip enough so that he could lift up the dragon and taking a firm grip around its upper body. The hatchling let out a squeal of discomfort and it took everything I had to not snatch it out of Eragon’s firm grip.

I did jump up on my feet as the black dragon cried out. On my feet I glared at Eragon as he tightened the grip around my dragon, his arm keeping the wings pressed against the black-scaled body. “Eragon!” I cried out, feeling pain filling my mind and tears form in my eyes. The old rider released his tight grip and my dragon hastily flew over to my over arms. I wrapped my arms around the black dragon and pressed my face into it’s scales as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. The powerful man sighed out and I forced myself to stand still as he gently placed his hand on my shoulder. “I am sorry Jennifer. But your dragon needs to learn how to control itself.” His voice was gentle but filled with suppressed power and I clenched my eyes close tightly, not wanting to see his face. I knew my eyes were burning with anger. How dare he say that? He was once a young new rider, and now when he’s the most powerful dragon rider and the oldest one at that, he seemed to have forgotten how it was.

“My dragon, Eragon, is newly hatched.” I hissed out, looking up with my brown eyes flaring with anger as I looked up at him. He looked at me with his brown eyes slightly widened before they softened. He gave me a faint nod and backed away to his backpack lying beside his dark brown cloak. My eyes stayed trailed on him as I too made my way back to my bag. My dragon purred against my chest and sent images of Saphira flying away along with a feeling of want. My eyes widened slightly in shock before I realized that it was want for flying, and not for the large dragon. Well seated on the rough ground I released the grip on my dragon, watching as it curled up into a ball in my lap as it’s black tail flickered from one side to the other with it’s gold eyes taking in it’s surroundings. With my attention entirely on my dragon I closed my eyes and let my dragon’s thoughts, filled with images and feelings, wash over me. “I wonder what gender you are.” I though, my voice slipping through our dragon rider bond. My dragon’s thoughts went back to me, filling my mind with images of me, sitting in front of it with my eyes widened in shock and happiness. At first I was confused, I couldn’t remember the moment my dragon was playing out for me. But as I watch my hand coming closer to my dragon’s head I suddenly realized that this was my dragon’s first memory and tears of happiness filled up my closed eyes. I was brought out of our share thoughts as the thundering sound of flapping wings reached my ears and I pulled back slowly, opening my eyes as I felt I was fully in control of my own thoughts and stood up.

I could feel a smile form on my lips and gratitude fill my body as Saphira landed on the ground with a deer in one of her large paws. My dragon let out a noise mixed between a cry of joy and a growl. Looking over at Eragon he was standing beside the huge dragon’s head with one of his hands pressed against her snort. As if feeling my eyes on him he turned towards me, smiling at me and motioned with his left hand towards the deer lying on the ground a few feet away from me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just nodded once towards my dragon, making me grin at my own stupidity. I formed my lips to say thank you without gaining the attention of the two dragons.

I could feel myself relax again as I made my way towards Eragon. My mind was clear and filled with happiness as I kept my brown eyes on the black dragon as it stood by the dead deer with it’s shining white teeth biting into the raw flesh and meat. The hunger I felt in the back of my head eased away with every bite my dragon took and I leaned my head against Eragon’s arm and let out a low giggle. My dragon is the cutest.

I am more handsome than cute.” I literally stopped breathing as the gruff voice entered my mind and my eyes widened in shock. From the corner of my eye I could see Eragon draw his blue sword and turn towards me with wide eyes but I paid him no mind. My full attention was on the black dragon that was now sitting in front of me with it’s gold eyes locked with my own brown once, waiting patiently for me to gather my thoughts.

“Oh my god.” I whispered under my breath when I finally snapped out of my whirlwind of thoughts. A huge grin formed on my lips and a squeal of excitement and happiness filled the now quiet air. I shook Eragon’s hand off of my shoulder and dashed forward so that I could kneel down at wrap my arms around my dragon. My dragon had just spoken to me. My black dragon is a male dragon.

I giggled out as he pressed his snort into my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin. I ignored it in favor of pressing a kiss on the top of his head. He snapped his black tail at the ground and I eased my grip around him so that I could look into the gold eyes that had giving me the sense of really belonging. “You are handsome And cute.” I said through our shared thoughts, making him snort out at me with his eyes twinkling with mischievousness. I poked my tongue out at him before standing up, leaving him standing on the ground beside me. Looking down I could see that his head reached just above my knees. “I need to name my dragon.” I stated to Eragon as I let my dragon go back to his breakfast as I bounced on feet in happiness. Eragon looked over at Saphira and they shared a long look and probably a few exchanged words before he turned and nodded at me with a slight smile on his lips. “Is your dragon male, or female?” Eragon asked me and I grinned at him. Clenching my hands into fists to keep myself from clapping my palms together in joy.

My brown hair was flowing in the wind as I shook my head and let my thoughts travel back to the gruff and deep voice of my dragon. I looked over at the black frame, tilting my head to the side as I studied the trail of gold on his wings before I turned back to Eragon with the grin still placed on my lips. “He’s a male dragon.”


Here's chapter 4! I hope you like it and if you did please leave a comment and/ or a vote! 

Love RubyRed

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