Chapter 2

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Silvia --->

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest and the only thing I could do was to stare in shock and amazement as the black egg started cracking in my arms. Taking in the cracks forming on the once flat and smooth surface made me ready to call out but as I was about ot open my mouth to call out to Eragon the egg fully cracked and sent shells flying everywhere. I move my hand up to shield my eyes from the flying shells and as I lowered my now sticky arm I could feel my jaw go slack and my eyes enlarge in complete amazement at the sight. In my lap where the black egg once was there was now a pitch-black hatchling. As I gasped out the tiny dragon hatchling turned its head towards me, showing me its breathtaking gold eyes. When the gold eyes landed on me the newly hatched dragon let out a squeal and without even thinking about it I found myself reaching out to it, wanting to feel the black scales under my hand. I reached out with right hand and as my skin touched the side of the dragons head a burst of light flashed before my eyes right before a shock went through me before everything went dark.


The first thing I noticed as I started to come back from being unconscious was how increasingly content I felt as well as warm and that thought made me force myself to wake up. As my eyes snapped opened the first thing I noticed was the bright wooden ceiling that I knew didn't belong to the room I usually slept in. The second that i noticed was the extra warmth coming from the left side of torso. Looking down a cry escaped my lips and i tumbled of the bed with a low thud, waking up the sleeping dragon that had been curled up against me. Sitting on the wooden floor with my eyes locked on the tiny dragon. Then several things happened at the same time; the dragon that had been curled up fast asleep against me stood up on the bed, making the light from the sunset reflect on the dragon and showing the shades of gold between the black scales. As the dragon stood up on shaky legs and looked down at me with gold eyes the door on my right side slammed open before Eragon rushed in with his blue sword in hand closely followed by Lilly's father Beron, he carrying a sword as well. 

I took in how Eragon swiftly searched the room with his eyes before they landed on me, sprawled out on the floor with my feet tangled into the blanket that had been covering me. Amusement filled his brown eyes before they moved to inspect the dragon that was hunched down on the bed as if it was ready to jump. And as if it sensed my thought the dragon did just that, jump. It jumped out of the bed and with surprisingly wide wings it glided thought the air before it landed safely in my lap. The black dragon crawled closer to my body before it curled up and fell asleep once more. I looked away from the hatching and up at Eragon with my eyes filled with confusion. "What's going on?!" I cried out, feeling panic taking over my senses and as if he could feel were my mind was taking me Eragon rushed over to me and kneeled down in front of me. He placed a hand on my shoulder before moving it under my arm, his other hand doing the same thing but under my knees. All of a sudden I was in the air with the dragon still in my lap before I was gently put down on the comfortable bed. "The egg hatched for you Jennifer." Eragon said and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at him. The rider looked at my face before sighing and walking towards Beron. He whispered something in his ear making the stubbled man leave the room, closing the door behind him. "The dragon in your lap is your dragon Jennifer." I shook my head in disbelief as I tried to get a hold on my swirling emotions. Shaking head once more I tugged at my hair as a headache started to form. "It means that you're the new dragon rider." Eragon's words hit me like a ton of bricks and successfully making all the air in my lunch swoosh out of me, leaving coughing to get some air back inside me. I ignored the concerned look Eragon gave me as I felt my body begin to shake and my heart starting to beat rapidly in my chest as my breathing turned uneven. My mind was swirling with memory after memory of my family telling me how much they loathed dragons and their riders. How much bad they had done to this world just by existing. I didn't even notice that my body was shaking violently before two strong hands were placed on my shoulders and stopping me from moving. 

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