(Chapter 13)

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“I think we should go,” I said, panicking. Oh my GOD. Kyle and Carter. This can’t be happening. We had to get the hell out of here…we had to leave! I can’t let Max…

I was practically hyperventilating. What was I meant to do?! I grabbed onto his hand, and pulled him towards the door. Kyle and Carter were both still lingering outside, talking about…something.

“Wait,” Max said, smiling a little worriedly. “Where are we going?”

“Let’s go…out.”

Max came along with me, grabbing his water bottle. I opened the door, trying to hide my face from Kyle and Carter. I can’t have them telling Max. My heart thudded, and I tried to look natural, but I could feel my palms sweating. I really, really hoped Max wouldn’t notice.

“Alexis,” Kyle said, as I brushed against him. “I didn’t know you came to this school!”

I looked up at him, trying to work out what he was doing. His face was completely unreadable. He just looked…smug.

“Kyle,” I said, smiling at him. I let go of Max’s hand, and pulled Kyle into a hug.

“Whatever you’re trying, it won’t work,” I whispered into his ear.

“Who says I’m trying anything?” he muttered back.

I pulled away, and beamed at him again.

“It’s been great. We should catch up, yeah? But first, I have to go somewhere with Max.”

Kyle raised his eyebrows, and I knew what he was thinking – this is Max?

I bit my tongue. Damn it. I can’t believe I just…

“But you’re not a senior…” Carter mumbled, “you can’t just leave…the free period’s only for us seniors.”

I glared at him, but softened my gaze when Max turned to me.

“Don’t worry about it, man,” Max said, slinging an arm over my shoulders. “Alexis is a rebel. Am I right?”

I smiled up at him, my heart fluttering.


“I had no idea!” Kyle exclaimed. I turned back to him, narrowing my eyes. He was definitely up to something. “What would your Dad say if he heard about this?”

Was it me, or was his voice…ever so slightly threatening?

“He won’t hear about this,” I replied, smiling sweetly. “Would he?”

The air was suddenly tense.

“Of course not!” Max said, laughing in a kind of awkward way. “Um, I think we better go.”

So Max had realized the situation. Maybe he wasn’t so dense, then.

“Bye, Kyle,” I called, over my shoulder, my heart thudding as hard as hell. What the hell was I meant to do? Max can’t know about what I’ve done…he can’t ever know.

I looked back at Kyle, who was smirking slightly.

If he’s planning something…well, I better start planning something myself.



I was walking fast, dragging Max with me.


My fingers were digging into his hand, hard, but I didn’t stop.

“Alexis, slow down!”

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