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"Man whatever

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"Man whatever ." I said to Brandon and Polo .

"What we talking about ?" Roman asked as he walked in .

"They keep talking about Miko and the shit starting to get on my nerves ." I said and Roman laughed .

"Why y'all keep talking about her ? He don't wanna talk about it ." Roman said .

"Thank you ." I spoke .

"Oh you shut up white boy ." Polo said and Roman flicked him off .

"Why y'all keep talking about his baby moms , what about you and Nia ." Roman said and I laughed as Brandon mugged me and him .

"Man , ain't nothing between me and Nia . That sit been done . It's been months since I even spoken to her ." Brandon said .

"So y'all really done ?" Roman asked .

"Yeah nigga if it's been 7 months ." Brandon sad getting buck .

"Yeah you see how that got under yo skin ." I said and he aced me off . My phone began ringing and Riley's face popped up .

"Where you at ? I'm hungry ." She said .

"I'm at the trap . Tell Aunt Tommie to take you to get some food ." I said .

"No . Bring me some seafood . BYEEEE !" She said before hanging up and I looked at Brandon before he laughed .

"Well I need to go get my lil ones anyway ." I said and Polo and nem nodded .

"We'll see you ." Brandon said and I threw up the deuces before leaving out . I walked out to my car before getting inside and pulling off to get the kids food .

I parked outside of the seafood joint before getting out and walking in . I ordered their food and they told me the wait for be for 40 minutes close to an hour .


"You ready ?" Nia asked as we sat outside Aunt Tommie's house .

"No . I'm not . What if they all hate me ?" I asked .

"They don't hate you Miko . I talk to them all the time and your all they talk about . Trust me , there gonna miss you . They should be happy that your still alive and not really dead ." She said and I looked at her .

I just wanted to break down in tears .

"Okay ." I said as i got out . We walked to the door and once I stepped foot on that door mat , my stomach dropped .

"Miko ." Nia said .

"Your sweating ." She said wiping the sweat I didn't know I had off my forehead .

I took a deep breath before knocking and Nia smiled at me .

"Hold on !" I heard Aunt Tommie . So much stuff was going on , on the other side of the door . You could hear the babies crying and the same two arguing .

The door opened revealing Aunt Tommie . She stopped and looked at me before her eyes trailed to Nia .

"Nia don't make me beat ya ass . Who is this look alike of my baby ?" Aunt Tommie asked and I watched as she tried her hardest not to look at me .

"It's Miko Aunty . Seriously ." Nia said as I smiled at her .

She poked my arm before squealing and pulling me in for a hug . She began squeezing my tightly .

"Miko i should kill ya ass and this time for real . Why would you do some shit like that ?" She asked and I sighed .

"It's a long story . I'm sorry for what I did because it was real selfish ." I said and she grabbed me and Nia's hand taking us in the house . I heard Nova's same cries and I heard Messiah's . My baby boy .

Once Nova saw me , she stopped crying . I picked her up before hugging her tightly as I cried onto her shoulder . I missed her so much .

Messiah continued to cry as Aunt Tommie tried giving him his pacifier . I reached for Messiah and as soon as he touched my chest , he stopped crying .

"Well look at that ." Aunt Tommie said and Nia laughed .

"Was that Benji with my foo—." Riley looked at me before looking at Aunt Tommie . She wiped her eyes before running to the bathroom . She came back and her face was wet .

"Ight I put water on my face . Is this real ?" Riley asked and we nodded .

"Pierre and Kairo came in and they actually did the same thing Riley did .

"Come say hey to Miko ." Aunt Tommie said .

"Nah . I'm good ." Pierre said and Riley and Kairo nodded .

"Yeah . Imma stay back ." Kairo said and that hurt me .

"What ? Don't be like that ." Aunt tommie said .

"Well she sholl did some foul shit . Why should we care about her feelings and she didn't care about ours ?" Pierre said and my face grew soft . I looked at Aunt Tommie and she had that face like she was about to cuss him out but I stopped her as he walked away .

"It's okay . Let them cool off ." I said .

I sat down as Nova crawled to me and laid her head on my lap as I rocked Messiah to sleep . I seen a nearby bottle and grabbed it before sticking it into his mouth .

I missed months off his life and I was disgusted with myself because of that . As Messiah was drinking his bottle , I ran my fingers over Nova's precious baby hairs as Nia just smiled at me . She looked like she was about to cry .

"Miko ." She said .

"Hm ?" I spoke .

"Your crying ." She said and i chuckled as I sniffled and wiped away the tears that were coming from my eyes .

"Nia , I feel like a bad mom ." I said in a serious tone and she smacked her lips .

"Well your not . You were doing what needed to be handled ." She said and i shook my head as tears began to stream down my face as I looked down at my kids .

"Benji doesn't know that though ." My voice cracked .

"It's okay Miko . I got you ." Nia laid her hand on my thigh before smiling at me .

"You look sleepy Miko , go upstairs to my room and lay down with your kids ." Aunt Tommie said and I nodded before Nia grabbed Nova and I walked upstairs to Aunt Tommie's room .

I laid down and I laid down a sleeping Messiah on my chest and Nia layed down a sleeping Nova on my arm .

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything ." Nia said and I nodded as she closed the door and as soon as she did , I dozed off .

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