She's Trying Her Best

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't a-!" 

She began.

'Re-evaluate yourself, take a deep breath, count to ten, think before you speak.' 

"It was fine, thanks for asking." 

She had been taking a few lessons with Perfuma. It was surprisingly, more relaxing  then she thought it would be and, to be honest, it helped. She heard Glimmer laugh to herself, which only made her narrow her eyes in frustration. She sat down on the floor near the door, occasionally petting Melog and speaking with his briefly. 

"Hey, I didn't see you head to bed. Did you get any sleep?" 

She looked up and saw Adora sit next to her, and avoided the question. 

"I went to bed, how about you? Sleep well?" 

Catra heard Adora chuckle a bit before answering 

"Surprisingly yeah, I was probably just exhausted though."

Catra laughed time herself, looking up at the ceiling. She stared for a minute before seeing a large shadow with the same bright blue eyes as yesterday. She shrieked and jumped from the floor immediately. When she looked back down to where she was sitting, but nothing was there. Her breathing was heavy and she felt hot and cold at the same time. 

"Catra what's wrong?" 

She looked around, realizing everyone was staring at her. She scowled to herself silently. 

"Nothing! It's nothing...I thought I saw something, but it's fine." 

She represented a sigh of relief when everyone dropped the situation. Well, almost everyone. Catra looked up and saw Adora continued to stare with a faraway look in her eyes. Catra looked back down and began to walk away, before feeling Adora grab her hand and stop her from going any further. 

"Catra I'm worried about you. What's going on? Really?" 

Catra averted her gaze, searching for an excuse. A reason. 

"Nothing, nothing wrong I'm just-" 

She paused, inhaling and exhaling deeply. 

"I'm just a bit on edge, space doesn't really bring me the best memories." 

Catra hopes Adora would buy it, she hoped that she wouldn't say anything more on the matter.

To Catras relief, Adora sighed, pulling Catra into a warm embrace. 

"I just- I worry about you sometimes." 

She laughed. Catra returned the hug and the chuckle. 

"Don't be, I'm fine." 


Adora smiled and nodded, walking over to Glimmer and Bow. She looked back at the three of them. Catra had missed out on a lot. She'd inflicted a lot of damage on the three of them in the past. She felt Meloc rub against her leg, almost as if reminding her she wasn't in the past anymore. She was different. Catra walked over to the windowsill and sat, her tail curled over her feet and her knees pulled to her chest. 

"Uh, guys-" 

She heard Glimmer address the group, Catras ears pricked towards her voice before she got up from her soon to be favorite spots in the whole ship. 

"What's wrong?" 

Bow asked leaning over Glimmers shoulder, Adora joined them shortly after. 

"It's making noise!" 

Catra resisted the urge to snicker at this group's stupidity. She really began listening when Bow said,

"It's a message!" 

"A message? From where? Who's sending it?" 

Adora asked, leaning over Glimmers other shoulder, causing Glimmer to growl in frustration under her breath. 

"I-I'm working on it.." 

Bow responded, after a few minutes Bow spoke again.

"Darla will need to debunk it, it's in a different language and needs to be deciphered because there are a few codes in there as well." 

Catra listened intently and looked at the message. 

"Lost, found, moons." 

She said to herself louder than she anticipated.


Adora looked over at her, everyone, including Meloc had looked at her. 

"Those are the only words I could read." 

Catra shrugged, feeling smarter than the rest of the group. 

"Catra, you can read this?" 

Bow asked, sounding a bit concerned. This caused Catra to second guess her intelligence. 

"Only a few words. The rest is fuzzy. Why?" 

Glimmer, Bow, and Adora exchanged a few looks before replying.

"We've never seen this language before. None of us can read it." 

She blinked a few times before laughing. 

"You're messing with me." 

Nobody said anything. They only looked at Catra with looks of confusion and curiosity. And for a few moments, Catra saw fear. 

"You're, not. Messing with me." 

She finally came to the conclusion, thinking to herself. Adora finally spoke, placing a hand on Catras shoulder, causing her to shiver. 

"Catra, I think this message is for you."

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