" alright jalen your next " the elderly man says

He sighed and started.

" as i stand on this street corner and watch these two roads meet i suddenly feel at peace maybe it's because at my feet lies the intersection of two distinct paths merging at a point of vulnerability maybe it's because its a reminder of you and me and the blissful bond we once shared " jalen says reading off his paper

" when you say two paths are you talking about two people jalen " Mrs.façon asks

" uh...yea " he says trying not to look at Layla

" I'm gonna take you have a similar problem " Mr.façon says pointing at Mikey

" you can go next actually " he added

" maybe that's why whenever i try to apologize i don't know where to begin or where to end all these things that i typed up in my mind and i want to tell you i just can't bring myself to hit send maybe i fucked up and i won't admit it
maybe i'm a coward.. " he says plainly then looking at me in the corner of his eye

" i mean, every minute without you feels like an hour maybe i'm a fool for distancing myself from you maybe that's why i couldn't admit that i loved you because for some reason i couldn't accept that maybe, just maybe, you might have loved me too. " he added

" I think you should've sent a message to her young man or better talk to her " Mr.façon says with a old smile

" I've tried many times..trust me " he says with a light chuckle

It quickly started getting dark so they lit the don-fire.

" your turn bronny " Mr. Façon he says Turing his head towards him

Bronny didn't hesitate to start.

" Baby tell me something how many times have you had your heart broken, how many times have you had your faith stolen by these guys that promise you everything only to find behind their clever lies in the sky they seemed to have Fooled you, schooled you into thinking that you finally found the one, your soulmate. you feel your fate has been decided then they leave and your alone again " he says

" you guys say your alright and ok but behind those clever words I see that you're broken or confused " the elderly couple says

They were right.

" how about you two young men " they say looking at Dior and josh

" we don't got one " Dior says

" why is that " they asked

" their isn't a poem or any quote that resembles how we really feel inside " Dior says

The elderly man nodded.

" Listen guys you think your alone but your not, It's not about what you want is about what you've got, Reach deep into yourself and pull out that strength that's been hiding inside all this time " Mr.Façon says

" and soon you'll find that your state of mind will change for the better, you can ride out this tough weather and when the rain has passed and the wind had amassed to just a gentle breeze, you'll find that pain is like the tide of the ocean it comes and go, just take it slow " Mrs Façon added while the ocean tides make noise

" and soon your heart will grow back to what it once was, you'll pick up the pieces of all those broken dreams and although it seems tough to pick yourself up from the hole you've fallen into " Mr. Façon added on

" don't ever lose faith that someday you'll get what you deserve " they say unison

" we also invite you guys into our house right up their for a good night meal if you guys don't mind " They added

Everyone started getting up and following the elderly couple to their beach house.

I saw Mikey walking and stopped him while everyone else went forward.

" I know we haven't really been on the best page because of everything that went on " I start to say

" if you trying to apologize please don't, I should be apologizing for my actions and everything I've done " he says looking at the ocean then back at me

" it's fine but also I know you don't like me like that anymore but I still want us to be friends " I say looking into his eyes

" I do l- " he started to say but got cut off by Dior yelling for us to hurry up

I looked at him and back at Dior and we started walking back towards the group.

" what were you gonna say " I asked curious

" um nothing I'm just glad we're friends again " he says with a sly smile

I gave him a light smile and we caught up with everyone.

" welcome to our home " The Façon couple says

We arrived inside and it was the most beautiful house I ever saw. We walked into the living room and immediately saw the beach view.

We stayed and ate dinner and had a good night till it was time to leave and go home.

[ authors note ]

End of chapter 21.
These quotes and poems are NOT my words they belong to the poets and the amazing writers.

Also I took a lot of these word off a edit on YouTube called " you'll forget all those times you had your heart broken " and " I'm still in love with you " so edit to them.

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