carwood lipton

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( carwood lipton, angst )

"SHIT!" YN LET OUT A STRING OF CURSE WORDS AS SHE SAW LIPTON GO DOWN. Her heart was racing, even more so than it had been the entire time. Eyes not leaving the man, YN used her hearing to decide when to run over.

Taking a breath, YN made her way over to Lipton who was shocked and lying on the group. "Hi Lip, you doing okay?" Her eyes examined the man as she spoke, looking for where he was hit.

Her eyes landed on his crotch and she let out another shit before looking the man in his eyes. "Is it alright if I...?"

YN trailed off as Lipton nodded, closing his eyes briefly before they met YN's. He didn't know how but she looked calm until he looked in her eyes, fear mirroring his own. She wasn't calm but was pretending to be for him and that warmed Lipton's heart.

YN ripped his pants open at the top so she could easily sew them up for him later whilst being able to access his wound. She took a breath before examining his crotch - something she had never expected to do.

Being the medic, YN had to examine him physically and she took another breath before doing so. She felt the man flinch as she examined him, finding where the bullet had grazed him.

"At least take me to dinner before you get shot in the crotch." YN wore a cheeky smile before looking back at Lip, eyes sparkling as she removed her hands.

The man smiled slightly, making YN feel a bit better about having to touch him there. Instead of talking back, Lip took YN's hand in his own and gave it a squeeze.YN looked down at their interlocked hands before giving him a squeeze back and removing their hands.

"I'm happy to say everything is right where it's supposed to be Lip. Let's get you back, get Doc to stitch you up."

The man nodded, accepting help from YN to wlak back to the aide station. As they walked, Lip held YN's hand in his own for a second before he was given to Doc.As Lipton went with Roe, YN burst out into tears. She had been acting strong in front of Lipton but inside she had broke.

YN thought that she may have lost Lipton, she didn't know what she would have done.

Through blurry vision YN saw Shifty come over to her and pull her in for a hug without question. The two had been good friends, secrets shared between just the two. As he hugged her, YN cried for the men she had lost and the one man she couldn't bare to think of losing.

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