Amber POV

"I want to do something." I say, matter-of-factly.

"Hello to you too, Ambs." Jesse says with the good-natured smirk that seems glued into his face muscles.

"Yeah, yeah, I want to do something for Andi, and maybe rope Teej into it too, he's pathetic at this stuff."

"You have my attention. I am the master of big, stupid romatic guestures."

I take a sharp breath and try to ignore the way his words feed into my insecurities about how many ways this idea could crash and burn in an extravagantly hellish manor, I take a deep breath, "Let's pretend for a second the chances of falling on my face are less significant, got any ideas?"

"You sing and dance, right?"


"Are there any love songs you know Andi likes?"

"I know she likes Taylor Swift."

I think we should definitely get Thelonious involved, get him off his mopey ass."

"Thelonious?!" I echo incredulously, as TJ interjects from the doorway, "I do not have a mopey ass!"


Andi POV

"Do you know what we're doing here?" Cyrus' asks as we walk together through the Kippens' neighborhood. We both got a mysterious text from TJ and Amber's older brother asking us to come together to their backyard, and maybe dress up. I decided to go along with the weird request, only because it came from Amber's brother. I'm wearing a flowy pink polka-dotted dress with a little train and sleeves that skip my shoulders and heels, which, as I march through the grass, I'm beginning to regret.

It's late, the last hints of sunset glow in the sky as Cyrus and I approach our destination, and I notice it first. A trail, the kind heavily featured in my romantic fantasies of Amber and I. There're actually two, one made of amber rose petals that glow faintly pale yellow pinkish bathed in the unique blood-moon light that's rising as the Sun thrives in these striking final moments for the evening. The other is less precise, a sprinkling of lavender cutting leading a jagged line in the other direction. I find myself stepping lightly down the path of amber rose petals without consideration of the other path, and Cyrus follows the other from what I can only assume is pure curiosity. I pick up each petal as I pass by it, figuring I'll preserve them in some craft soon. I freeze when I've rounded the corner and have my back to the house.

This... this is... a dreamscape. The spotlight in my brain that shines over Amber has been amplified by an actual spotlight, sort off, she's standing beneath the calm glow of an arch wrapped completely in tiny white and gold fairy lights. She's standing in a pile of the shiny flower petals she made her trail out of, in a shimmering pale pink dress that looks like someone poured... magic over her. Like for this night, in this moment of pure perfection, she's an angel. She's my angel, my incredible, wonderfully brave, angel. On a mission to make some blessed Earthly soul boundlessly happy. And for some reason, somehow, the universe, and her, decided I'd be the one.

I rush up to her, forgetting about everything else. Right now she's the only thing in the universe in my universe and I can only hope I'm the only thing in her's. Our eyes meet, and my glee must be painfully visible because the most amazing, brightest smile ever burst across Amber's face too, along with the cutest faint pink on her cheeks. She bends down, somehow gracefully in the godly dress, and music begins to play softly from her phone, which must be buried in the pile of rose petals.

My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in, everyone looked worse in the light... the beautiful song begins.

"May I have this do-over dance?"

I giggle and give her my hands gladly, unable to form any coherent word thoughts. She twirls me beneath the fairy arch and my skirt blows up the way too-too do, which only makes me giggle more

"It's brighter now. Now...

I don't wanna look at anything else now I saw you.

I could never look away.

I wanna think of anything else not that I've thought of you

Things it'll never be the same.."

She presses me close to her, "Do we need to talk about this?"

Somehow, my incredulous voice manages to breath the words, "Sometimes it's easier just to kiss."

As the chorus begins again, she does. And even though the Sun has truly sank into the stars for right now, I see daylight. She tastes like vanilla and sugar, and I soak up everything I can from her, like she's the Sun and I'm the Earth and I depend on her for everything, she warms me, letting me peak through into some brighter, more colorful world we discover together. Like until this night I was a piece of unfinished artwork, there, full of potential, beautiful in a messy way, and now she's just finished the final touches, perfecting me, at least in her eyes. Art is never finished, and neither is a person, and I want her to keep this brighter land with her kisses, and perfecting my brushstrokes, because the only thing I can ever imagine her doing for me, is helping me get better.

We separate, closing the door to the brighten world for the moment, but seeing that one only makes this average world we live in sparkle a little, because now I understand something more about its depths. This quieter world exists because of that one. People love. They love each other, and all the things they dream of and do, that world I just peaked is the world of love, the world where passion goes, because it needs a place. It's too big for this world, this world is full of other things. People live their lives in this world. And all the love and passion hiding behind that magical doorway makes those lives worth living, and the lives people create for themselves, and the people they choose to live them with, make that passion a worthwhile thing too. It's a beautiful, perfect, echosystem of the universe. 

A/N: This is super short, I know. So... it turns out this is actually going to be a three post night! Whoa! Because I realized that both ships deserve their own chapter, so yeah. I really like this chapter. To anyone who noticed, yes, that was a HSMTMTS reference, I'm not sure if I'll ever write fan fiction for that show, but it is quality entertain with some queer rep so I recommend. I'm not going to post this until I finish the Tyrus one, but these a pretty simple to write, so that won't be too long. I could say more, but I'm going to shut up now and write that. - Elijah

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