Andi POV

"I have to get back to work,  kiddo, I have a lesson soon."  Bowie says, "Thanks for the daddy-daughter lunch date." He smiles, leans down to place a kiss on the cheek, and leaves. I have nowhere else to be. I planned on going back to AndiShack, but Amber's working today, so I stay glued to me seat and try to convince myself I'm doing something as I watch her move through the busy dinner, looking focused, with a professionally polite smile glued on her face. I catch her eyes during a lull in serving and she comes over to join me at my booth.

"You're dad left?" Amber asks.

"Yeah, he had a lesson with a guitar student."

Amber nods absently. Amber and my parents don't have the greatest relationship. They've never stopped letting us be friends, for very long at least, but they're definitely more... wary of her and she generally avoids them. 

"So, when does your shift end?" I ask, "wanna do something?"

She nods quickly, "How about we grab some gelato?"

"Um... I've never actually had gelato, is just like, fancy Italian ice cream right?"

"Basically, the Gelato place is in the art district downtown, we can walk there." She glances at her watch and I notice that she's still wearing the bracelet I made her. I stare at the booth to hide how much that makes me smile.

"Art district and ice cream, how could we go wrong?"

"Oh! And there's one more thing, if you want... I kinda need to go dress shopping for my step brother's wedding, and all your dresses are so cute, could you help?"

"Wait...? Is Amber Kippen asking for my fashion advice?" 

She laughs nervously, her cheeks turning a little pink, and my feel warm butterflies fluttering around my stomach, "Um... yeah?"

"Your managers is giving us the dirtiest look right now,"I tell her.

"Oh crap, sorry, I get off in about half an hour... is that okay?"

"Yeah, I'll come back then, now go, before Mr. Emerson kills us with his eyeballs." Mr. Emerson is the owner of the Spoon, he's knows Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah and I well from all the time we spend here, but he doesn't like it when we distract his employees. Actually, we mostly just distract Amber.

She laughs, and quickly follows my advice this time. 


I text my parents that I'm getting ice cream and doing a little shopping with Amber, and that I probably won't be home for a while. My mom gives me a thumbs up, and my dad says he's working late tonight anyway. Then I park my dirt bike, which I've been using a lot more lately since school's over, and wait for Amber on the patio outside the Spoon. 

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever." She greets me.

"Yeah! It's been like a whole thirty minutes! Way too long!" I feel myself relax, She's Amber. Do my feeling for her scare me a little, yeah. But she's one of my closest friends, I need her in my life. There's something about talking to her that feels so natural and easier than talking to anyone else. I can't believe I ever thought of her as my worst enemy. 

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