Take off : (part 2)

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Adora heard catra's voice calling her name in the dark. It started to fade and soon was gone. Then Adora shot up. at first her vision was blurry and all over the place. There was one of some sort of green. A forest. But where? The sky was grey, with clouds threatening to let down their contents.

Next to her was Scorpia and on the other side was Melog on his back. she shook Scorpia awake."hey! Hey!"

Scorpia groaned in pain, then sat up putting her claw to her head. "w-what happened?"

"I don't-" then it all came back to her. the Robot came, they went through the portal, and the last thing catra's voice in the dark. "Catra!" Adora exclaimed, staggering to her feet. "we have to find her. T-That thing ... it has her" Adora's began to look around ingoing the stinging pain in her leg.

Scorpia and Melog did the same. Not too long after Melog let out meows.

"Melog found tracks." scorpia lifted some low lying brush concealing foot prints. there were claw marks on the ground alongside the foot prints.

"for an advanced robot that is immune to magical attacks it's not good at hiding its tracks." Adora commented. But scorpia just blew right past her.

Adora turned to melog and shrugged.

They followed that track over and around. "catra!?" Adora called out at various parts.

"Catra?!" Scorpia joined in, yelling louder than Adora.

Suddenly the two were engaged in an unspoken contest to see who could call Catra's name loudest



"wait." Scorpia put her claw out to silence Adora.

"Have you heard anything?" Adora asked.

"I wouldn't be telling you to be quiet if i didn't hear anything." Scorpia gave Adora a side glance.

Then Adora heard what scorpia heard. it was faint, Adora had to check herself to make sure she wasn't hearing things. She was so worried and focused on finding and saving Catra that it could be possible she is hearing things.

Then the voice came again. Catra's voice. "Adora?! Adora?!!"

Scorpia made a sour face as she followed Adora who bolted in the direction of the voice.


"catra! Catra! I'm here!"

"I'm here too!" scorpia cupped her claws around her mouth.

"guys!" came catra's voice. louder than before.

Melog took off in one direction. Adora and Scorpia followed. Each running. Scorpia with her bigger build took up more of the path leaving little space for Adora running into bushes and roots.

suddenly in an opening melog stopped. He put his nose to the ground and started sniffing.

The opening was a scene that could be read like a book. The claw marks on the ground were cut off so that must have meant Catra stopped fighting. she must have been subdued or thrown over the shoulder of the robot.

"catra!!" Adora yelled into the dark, dense wood, but there was no reply.


When the rain came it came fast. In a swift motion it took over the whole forest.

"the tracks!" Scorpia began to run, following the quickly disappearing trail.

"wait. let's not split..." Adora gave up trying to yell after Scorpia and blindly took off after her. Melog followed close behind.

Adora was slowly falling behind Scorpia. the distance between the two was growing with every second. At this point Scorpia was out of sight.

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