Chapter 14: iPuzzlePieces

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Chapter 14: iPuzzlePieces (updated spelling and grammar)


Laura always made me feel uneasy, and that wasn't exactly a secret. But I was grateful for Freddie and his knack for understanding me. We both needed a neutral space, away from her influence.

"Look, Laura, Sam and I really need to know what happened. We're desperate for answers, especially if you had a hand in drugging us. But I'm not about to hash this out in front of the whole school. Can we please find somewhere more private?" Freddie's frustration was clear, mirroring my own discomfort. My anger was simmering just beneath the surface; I was dangerously close to exploding on the rage-o-meter.

"Sure thing, Freddikins. Let's head to my place," Laura suggested.

"Actually, no. I was thinking we could go to Skybucks and sit outside," Freddie interjected, much to my relief. Skybucks had the best ham sandwiches, and right then, an iced coffee sounded heavenly.

"Hmm... Alright, sure. I suppose that works. I'll meet you guys there," Laura agreed, striding confidently to her Porsche as we made our way to Freddie's truck. I hadn't even considered how Carly and Brad would get home since they rode with us, but I assumed they'd figure something out. Glancing at my phone, I saw a message from Carly saying that Spence had picked her up early for his art show. I hoped Brad found his own way home. Freddie opened my door courteously, allowing me to settle in before he shut it and took his place in the passenger seat. The drive to Skybucks was silent until I couldn't bear it any longer.

"Freddie?" I broke the silence.

"Hmm?" he responded, his attention shifting to me.

"I just wanted to say thank you for suggesting this. I really needed some time to gather my thoughts."

"I know, me too. It's not a long drive, but I just couldn't bear the thought of going to Laura's place, or her knowing our apartment number."

"Yeah, I feel the same way. I know everything feels overwhelming right now, and you probably don't want to think about it, but what about dinner with your dad?"

"Please, call him Ely. I don't really consider him my dad. And yeah... about dinner... do you want to go? I mean, I'm mentally exhausted, and we haven't even heard what Laura has to say," he admitted, running a hand through his messy hair, a telltale sign of stress.

"I understand. How about we hear Laura out first, and then decide about dinner?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan, baby. I just need some time to process," he said, briefly meeting my gaze. I could see the same stress and frustration reflected in his eyes. He sighed heavily, then reached out his hand for mine. I took it, and he brought it to his lips, planting a gentle kiss. A small smile crept onto my face as I felt a wave of calm wash over me. That simple gesture seemed to reduce my racing thoughts from 4,005 down to about 87.

"We'll be fine, no matter what Laura says, and we'll figure out how to protect Carls. Alright?" he reassured me. I returned his smile and nodded in agreement. The rest of the drive passed in a comfortable silence.

Upon arrival at the parking lot, we spotted Laura heading into the store. Good. It meant we could grab some much-needed refreshments for ourselves. Exiting the truck, we joined the line, finding ourselves behind Laura.

She glanced back, flipping her hair.

"Well, fancy meeting you here," she giggled. This girl was really pushing it. I couldn't help but snarl, prompting Freddie to chuckle while Laura rolled her eyes.

Approaching the counter to order, I was surprised when Freddie requested exactly what I typically get. I hadn't even shared my Skybucks preferences with him. In fact, I only treated myself when I could enjoy it alone on my balcony with a book or my guitar. Odd.

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