Chapter nineteen: "Sometimes you have to change your perspective."

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I pulled the crumbled up research sheet we had created and laid it out on the table, smoothing the wrinkles out.

"Alright, where do we want to start?" Nix asked as she readjusted her fake glasses.

"Where do we want to start? How about why the hell did we get turned into reptilians? Who did it and how do we deal with them?" I felt rage bubble up in me, not towards my best friend, but frustration. How could we still be so lost on answers after months had passed by?!

Nix sighed sympathetically and held my hand. "I know. But we should focus on one thing about him. Otherwise we'll never get anything done. Here, show me the paper." She pointed towards the pathetic scrap piece of paper and I handed it to her. Her eyes scanned it, taking in the information she already knew, then she nodded.

"So...any ideas where we should begin?" I inquired.

"Andrew. Let's begin with what we do know. Andrew injected us. Why? Well...we'll get to that at some point but we first need to start off with figuring out who he really is." She pushed her glasses to the top of her head and started using her hands more to explain her point. "We don't know anything about the guy and how he knew about us. We need to start from the very beginning. Kind of like with serial killers you know?" I shook my head and she laughed. "Maybe I should watch less crime tv shows." I scoffed.

"So we start off with his background? Like where he lived, studied, worked? Snippets of his life?" Iasked and she nodded.

"Exactly. I'm sure there's some information about him out there. Plus, since he's American, I'm sure the database has some information about him, especially now since he's on their hot list. We're not the only ones trying to do research on the guy." Whatever information they've imputed into the system, we can now also access it now that no one is here to monitor and hide the data from us.

We could've managed to find information back in New York too I'm sure, but it would've been difficult-perhaps nearly impossible with Adams breathing down my neck.

I leaned down the desk to pull a pencil out of my shopping bag and re-adjusted my bandana, making the knot at the back a little tighter so my hair was kept out of my face. I locked my fingers together and pushed them out, cracking the bones in them and then flexing them.

It was time to get answers. Nix and I weren't going to stop until we found out everything about Andrew. We would go through whatever lengths we had to, stay awake as long as we needed to because we wanted- no, we demanded answers. And answers we would get.

"Let's do this."


A loud yawn escaped my mouth as I scrolled through another police report with complete jargon and nonsense.

The library was quiet, save for the clicking sound of the mouse in my hand and Nixs' loud snores filling up the room.

"Goodness, snore any louder and the dead will wake up." I leaned back in my chair, stifling another escaped yawn.

I forced my eyes back on the excruciatingly long report, scanning to find the spot where so left of.

...Callum resided in Westpoint in Salt Lake City.

I ended up googling Westpointe to learn a little about the neighborhood, look at what the place was like and I've got to say, it looks like the type of place where someone like Andrew wouldn't been from. The place had a population of roughly 7600 people. The homes were mostly bungalows in contrast to New York's sky scrapers. I switched the tab back to the report and continued scanning through it.

Neighbors said that he was not known for his friendliness nor his kindness and would often disappear for prolonged periods of time, such as days, weeks and months and then return back as if he had never left.

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