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CHAPTER I — the epitome of stupidity and impulsiveness

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CHAPTER I the epitome of stupidity and impulsiveness


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HER FIRST THOUGHT IS: HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THAT'S FUCKING HOT. Kiran really wishes it could've been something cool, like I hope Lois got the pictures of the fucking space ship, but it's not. It's the natural thing whenever someone runs into/touches something hot that triggers the response to yank their limb back, which is hot.

Kiran can't pull her limb back. In fact, her whole body is consumed by the heat and she's pretty sure she's going to die. Vaguely, she hopes Asher won't cry too hard at her funeral, hopes Lois, Clark, and Lily can use her as a source after whatever nefarious thing Lex Luthor was planning to do with the fucking spaceship he had in his warehouse.

Kiran's not quite sure how she had even got into the warehouse in the first place. It was way past normal operating hours and Kiran may have been stealthy from a teenagehood of sneaking out to go to way too many parties, but it wasn't like it was as illegal as this. However, she had somehow made it inside, through the doors, and onto a balcony that overlooked a huge lab-like room. There were a whole bunch of machines with screens, blinking lights, and scientists that were dressed anywhere from lab coats to biohazard suits.

Kiran had pulled out her phone, prayed the cracks wouldn't impede the picture quality, and started snapping away, immediately backing up the files to the shared photo album between her, Lois, and Clark. Lily wasn't in it because she would judge the shitty skills put into each picture. Then, distantly, she thought she should have gotten Lily in on the sneaking, only for her photography skills, but shoved the thought aside as she snuck further into the room. Lily and her wouldn't have been able to even make it through the door.

There was also a thought about maybe she should have called and asked Clark if she should be doing this, as they were her impulse control when it came to work things, however, she had been way too distracted getting into the place. Which, she's still thanking whatever gods were out there she hadn't been caught and arrested. She's heard Asher's resigned sigh in her head so prominently that she shivered and thanked the gods another time she didn't have to call Asher to tell him she had been arrested again.

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