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"Don'cha Think they have a spread out a little too much?" One of the Military Polices, Hitch, asks Marlowe.

The two were walking in the forest where Levi's Squad was at as Marlowe replied. "We are more likely to find them if we're not all in the same area" Hitch lets out a sigh. "But whyd I have to get paired with you of all people?"She then turned to him with a smug look" Spill it, marlo.You scheme this up so we need to get some alone time~? "

He turns and instantly says. "Look Hitch... no offence, but you weren't my first choice either." She rolled her eyes. "Oh, is that right? Well, good for you then."

"Anyway, Doesn't does seem odd to you? Why would the scouts murder a civilian and run for the hills? This is the same group of soldiers who Consistently risk their lives for the sake of humanity."Marlowe stated. Hitch turned her head annoyed, narrowing her eyes "Give me a break. Did you forget? "Flashbacks of the attack Came back to her along with the memory of the bodies they had to pick up and put in carts " Think about what they did to Stohess. The way they turned it into a battlefield. How many dead bodies do you think we carried? Annie's been missing ever since. They still haven't taken her junk out of my's annoying"

"But In doing so, the scouts also uncovered a titan in hiding, and took it prisoner" Marlowe added. "I highly doubt that the military police could've done that" He then asked. "How is the spending the scouts what is best for humanity?..." Then, Hitch's eyes widen as she aims her gun in front of her, shushing Marlowe. "Be Quiet." He aims his gun as well as she says. " listen closely ." They see a person wearing a hood over their head collecting water as Marlowe shouts

"Don't move," a man orders, and Lizzy raise her arms up like she was surrendering. "Turn around slowly."she turn to face them, sending them a lazy look. "You caught me," she say, and the man with black hair styled in a bowl cut aims his rifle at her."So you're a scout," he states, lizzy glance over at the woman with shaggy, light-brown hair beside him who also has her rifle aimed at lizzy ."Military Police... of course," She muttered, and the man cocks his gun."Not another sound. Don't say a word. Now listen, and do exactly as I tell you to-"I glance up as Mike and Levi come out of the trees, landing behind the two MPs. Mike slides his arm under the arm of the woman that holds the gun, and he places his blade at her throat while Levi does the same to the man."That's the way," Levi states, as kanna slides her hood down. "Now hand your guns to the one in front." Lizzy walks forward and takes both of their guns " don't say a word, right?"

In capital mitras

In an underground cell, Erwin and Donna sits on separate bench's, staring down at the floor until hearing the sound of the door opening and one of the men walking over to him. "Sorry to have kept you two waiting,." Erwin's eyes look up at him, while Donna doesn't even bother as he said. "I know this is sudden, but It's time for your interrogation."

Outside, two reporters question a Nile by saying. "So, The survey corpse murdered a in cold blood? You're sure about this??" Nile sighs, crossing his arms together. "I am told that the evidence is strong. But, with that said, I can't confirm anything I haven't seen.—""So then... The interior police are running this case without oversight!"

" hey, cut that out!" The other reporter said, taking Peasure journal from his hands. "I'm sorry about him, commander dawk. Peasure There is still just a rookie. He doesn't quite understand how things work yet. Don't worry, the interior police and a subject we plan to write about. And the same goes for their new ODM gear.

"Thanks Roy. See ya" Nile said, before looking away from them and going into thought. 'That new gear worries me... Those guns are useless against Titans, but they're perfect for human combat. It's as if that gear was specifically made for killing scouts. Also, judging from the fact that its existence was hidden from us MPs, I get the impression that we aren't off the list of people it could be used against.'He then starts to walk away from the two. " anyway. We should get a report from them soon. Just be patient."

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