Chapter 12- Final

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Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, I was having trouble figuring out how to wrap up the story. On top of that, it's final assessment week and I'm trying to plan out the next book I'm gonna write. I still haven't decided whether or not there will be a sequel to this book but at this point in time it's leaning towards yes. When the book is out I'll publish it in a final authors note.

Thank you all so much for your support on this story, you have no idea how much it means to me.

Love from, Cora

"How would you feel if I adopted you?"



Virgil's heart almost stopped. Tears welled in his eyes.

"Are y-you serious?" Thomas nodded, stepping around the table to get to him.

"Of course, bud," Virgil collapsed into Thomas, who held him tight. The two fell to the floor, Virgil sobbing into Thomas's shirt. "What do you say, Virge?"

"Y-yes, I-I w-would... I w-would l-love that. I-I-" Virgil couldn't continue. Thomas was sobbing now too, pulling Virgil even closer. They stayed there for longer than was strictly necessary, crying in joy and comforting each other.

He smelled like the vanilla from the candles burning around the house.

"V-Virgil, I'm s-so glad th-that you like it here," Thomas said through his tears, smiling. Happiness exploded in Virgil's chest as he took in Thomas's- his Dad's- smile. "I gotta c-call Joan, they need to hear the good news. Are y-you okay if they come over for lunch?" Thomas wiped his eyes and withdrew from the hug, fumbling for his phone. Virgil stood and brushed off his jeans, nodding. He pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie and rubbed them across his face, trying to mop up the eyeliner that streaked his face.

"Th-that'd b-be great," He mumbled, "I-I'm g-gonna g-go r-r-redo m-my makeup." Virgil made his way upstairs as Thomas called Joan, still rubbing his eyes. When Virgil entered his room he closed the door behind him, falling onto his bed with a sigh. He tugged his phone out of his pocket and opened his group chat, slowly typing a message, reading it over and over before deleting it. He would rather tell them in person.

Me: guys I have big news, u free to meet up later today?

Pat: yuppers!

Princey: of crse, emo nightmare, wht time

Jay: I'm free.

A simple thumbs-up from Remus and Virgil told them to meet in the field at four. He quickly wiped the stray eyeliner off his face and re-did it, even though he was sure to cry later. The smell of vanilla and pancakes filled the air as Thomas started lunch. He heard the door open downstairs and hurried down the stairs, rushing into Joan's open arms.

"Virge I'm so glad you're gonna stay. I know it'll take a while to be official but you're already part of the family," they said into his shoulder, pulling away from the hug and smiling at Virgil. The two made their way to the kitchen where Thomas waited with three plates of celebratory pancakes. They all sat and chatted, smiles never leaving their faces, until three sharp knocks interrupted. Virgil stood to answer the door.

"I-I'll g-get it," he said as he swung open the door to find Logan, looking a little nervous. "H-hey, Lo-o." He couldn't see it but behind him, Thomas elbowed Joan and leaned over so that they could both see the boys at the door. Logan gave a small wave and held out a bag from Hot Topic.

"Ciao, Stormcloud. I meant to give you this while you were over but it slipped my mind," he stated as Virgil opened the bag and pulled out a sweatshirt; black with a purple interior and purple plaid patches sewn strategically around it with thick white thread. It was light, providing the perfect weight to soothe him. There was a small stormcloud patch on the chest that looked like Logan had ironed on himself. Virgil dropped the bag and his old sweatshirt, tugging on the new one. "I purchased it while we were at the mall and thought of yo-"

"L-lo, th-this is-s p-perfect!" He cried, pulling Logan into a hug before firmly planting a kiss on his cheek. Logan blushed and Virgil kissed him on the mouth, arms still wrapped around his neck. They stayed for a moment before Joan cleared their throat. Both turned.

"Hey Logan, you wanna join us?" they gestured to the table. Logan smiled and nodded, taking Virgil's hand as they sat at the table.

It seemed four o'clock couldn't come fast enough. Virgil had insisted he tell Logan at the same time as everyone else so they had both been waiting anxiously for the clock to chime. When it got near they found themselves standing in the field with Patton and Janus waiting for the Realeza twins. Patton bounced slightly on the balls of his feet, gripping Virgil's hand tightly. When the twins finally made their appearance Patton looked like he was going to explode and only got worse when Remus ploughed Virgil over in a bear hug asking if he was leaving.

"Virgie, my Dark Stormy Child, please don't make me wait any longer," Patton begged him, tugging on his arm. Virgil smiled, looking around at his friends. The only people who had accepted him in a long time. The people that he had only known for a few weeks but already felt so close to.

Patton chewed his lip, smiling encouragingly and holding his hand tighter.

Remus nodded enthusiastically, eyes wide and rocking on his heels.

Roman smiled hopefully, flashing him a thumbs up and a wink.

Janus gestured for him to go on, body relaxed and eyes welcoming him.

Logan squeezed hand, he looked like he wanted to lean in and kiss Virgil's cheek, which he wouldn't have protested.

"T-Thomas is-s a-adopting m-me." It was like a bomb went off, but good. Cheers and squeals and whoops. Patton crashed into him for a hug on one side, Remus and Logan from the other. Roman threw his arms into the air in excitement before joining the hug. Janus stood apart until Remus reached over and tugged him in. Virgil could feel himself crying again. He was so happy.


This was what Lo had been talking about. His vanilla.

Thomas's- his- house.

Logan's lips. His cologne.

Patton's house.

His home, his friends.

His family.

He had never noticed how sweet vanilla smelled.   

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