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(A/N this story will get better I promise, and it's as if there was no civil war, but there us all of the characters of it.)

Happiness is not something I'm use to, when my mom died it went downhill from there I've always have a fake smile at hand. But a real one, is not nearly as common, I was happy more often on the Argo II but once we got home they forgot about me. Besides if they needed something, then they would spend just enough time with me so that when I was done they wouldn't feel to bad about bolting. To be honest I have wanted to run for a while, but they said there my family and no matter what you dont run from family. But then they went to far...

I was walking over to Percy's cabin and right as I was about to walk in I heard the voices of the other 7.
"He is absolutely weak and lazier than Clovis." Exclaimed Frank, no one objected but instead agreed.
"He wont take anything seriously. And he is literally the ugliest person I have ever met!" Exclaimed Piper never thought of her to be shallow enough to say that, the others continued for awhile as tears streamed down my face they went as far to say they should of never saved me from Tartarus I silently walked away.

The next morning I decided running wont help I'll try talking to them but first I wanted to talk to my beautiful girlfriend Hannah from the Apollo cabin. Usually she was by the archery range so I jogged over there. But no Hannah insight, I walked around until I heard Hannah giggle.

Hannah was there talking to Jason with no top on and then I heard what they were saying:
"Jace, I'm pregnant it's our baby. Leo is going to figure out soon enough."
"He's an idiot why dont you just dump him?"
"Cause he makes me the prettiest jewelry."
Tears streamed down my face but then it got so much worse. She slipped her top back on just as the rest of the seven came and started talking about how cute of a couple they were, Piper wasnt even mad she just gushed at how cute of a couple they are. Then they all started making out. I quickly grabbed a camera from my tool belt and took a bunch of pictures and ran back to my cabin. Not letting anyone have the satisfaction of seeing me crying. And printed a ton of pictures, at night I packed a bag and tapped the pictures around camp of them being horrible people.

I then made a note before I ran:

I have been running since I was 8 mostly from abusive people and I thought you guys would be different. But I was quite wrong you talk so much crap behind my back, and you used me to know end but cheating on me with my girlfriend and getting her pregnant is just beyond the people who hit me. I looked up to you guys but know I realized you are probably the worst heroes of the century. Thank you Chiron for trying to protect me but the real monsters are in your camp. Jason if I ever see you again you will burn to death. Heaphestus cabin thank you for trying so hard to make me feel welcome.
~ the betrayed Leo valdez.
Dont look for me.

Then I ran.

(Rick riordan made the characters, setting and the original story. I just made the plot.)

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