I'm not doing anything in case you try blame me.

Suddenly a yellow and red figure appeared only to reveal Lord 4th Minato Namekazi and Narumi Uzumaki, both parents of Naruko.

L-lord 4th?! Lady Uzumaki?!

But you're supposed to be dead, stated the third.

"Actually, we're not dead. We're actually from another dimension. We were only able to communicate thanks to Mr frontal resonance " finished Minato.

But I saw you die with...

"A whole through our chest" I know. Narumi, if you will.

Of course. You see near our death, we awakened our hidden bloodline. It allows us to recover from a near death experience on top of increasing our strength by 100 fold. It also turned out that we both share common ancestors.

They're called "saiyans".

What's that Narumi? Questioned the third really wanting more info.

I'm afraid I can't tell you. Yet.

I see.

Look I'm aware of what has been going on with my daughter sarutobi. Which is why I want this man to keep her in his care.

Narumi already agreed to it. So I know I made the right choice. From what I've seen of your world and history, Naruko is in capable hands.

"Yes, she will be. Which why we ask of you. Will you take care of our Naruko- chan?  We want her to at least have someone to lean on" finished Narumi as she bowed.

I know it's sudden, you don't have to choose if you don't want to. However, all we ask is that you raise her and train her. She has no one else. You are the only one we fully trust right now. So please, we beg of..

I'll do it.

Huh?! Both parents stated in shock and joy.

I said I'll do it. No child should be left alone in a world like this.

Both adults began to shed tears of joy.

You want regret this. Lord 3rd when Naruko is fifteen, I want her to gain all access to my bank account. Until then, Mr frontal will be in charge and overseer of her training.

Wait, are you for certain Minato? The other village's will...

They will do nothing as long as she has the Uzumaki last name. Of course when she announces it to the world, she will already be a powerful kinoichi.

Frontal, I want...

"Alfronsio, Alfronsio char Aznable  is my name" finished frontal.

I see... Well Alfronsio, both Namekazi and Uzumaki compounds are located behind the Hokage mountain.

Whenever you start her advance training, take her to the scroll chamber. Only she can get in unless otherwise.

Can you do that?

Yes, you have my word as a newtype. It will be done.

Thanks, I owe you one. Oh, and one more thing. Me and Narumi want you to take Naruko hand in marriage.

What! The three males shouted while frontal stood still like a statue.

Minato are you sure?

Of course I am.

I know you haven't had much experience in such matters, but now you can" stated Minato.

Oh, and enjoy yourself this time. You may even get a...


Alright, calm down. Anyway it's her turn now.

"Thank you. Wouldn't want you corrupting the poor fellow" she stated while glaring at her husband.

Look our time is almost up, but I want my daughter to always be on schedule. She needs to take her bath every night. Eat healthy with little Ramon because of our heritage. Keep her head held high and most importantly.... Do not let her become a fan girl.


Sarutobi sensei, I want you to use some of our fonds for Alfronsio to get ninja gears and a house big enough for all the kids in the orphanage he was brought to.

Orphanage? Wait, you were brought to the orphanage? By who?

I'll explain in a few. Anything else Lord 4th?

Nope, oh and Lord 3rd. Spare some of the Uchiha clan. They're being minipulated through a gengistu from the council and the masked man.

I have a feeling Danzo is up to something.

Well our time is up, hope to someday return.

I could probably warp you guys here, but my body may not be able to handle it yet. It's worth the shot.

Don't, not yet. Maybe when you get used to that body because as of now, your burning through so much raw psyco energy, your kid state may not be able to contain it.

We'll be waiting Lord 3rd, guys. Until then bye!

Both legends faded from the room as it went silent. That was until frontal went to his knees huffing.

Before you say anything, the kid state doesn't know what is happening to a certain degree. However, everything you heard and know is to stay between us. Young Alfronsio mustn't know of this info at all.

Before I revert, will you please help out with Ms keagan? If anything, she's the only person I know of at the moment always snuck food to Naruko in the alley.

If you can do that, I'll be your loyal shinobi of the leaf.

Should you need assistance, say the word "Second Coming". I'll appear than.

"Until next time lord 3rd" stated frontal with his hands outstretched.

The third smiled a bit before shaking his hand.

Welcome to the village of the hidden leaf, Konoha.

Frontal let go of his hand as he began to glow red.

You know, I have feeling we're gonna get along well.

The room flashed red. When light went down, the third was greeted with the sight of a blonde head boy in the place of the adult full frontal.

Hello young man.

"Ummm, hello" stated the boy before fainting from exhaustion.

The Hokage looked at his two companions, "This secret stays between us understand?"

Hai! leader-sama.

That goes for the hidden anbu as well.


Good, now to take him back home.

We have work to do.

Full frontal's second chanceWhere stories live. Discover now