Chapter 1

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Out of the dark comes a light and the sound of high pitch wailing belonging to the hospital equipment was replaced by a loud alarm clock. I stretched a arm out to hit the source of the noise as a old habit that hadn't faded away with time and familiarity to my iphone only instead my hand landed on the edge of the counter rather than a phone. My hand landed on a surface that felt hard and rough at some points that had a wooden texture. . . Which was odd. My hand was supposed to have hit the medical equipment alongside my medical bed, like say, a pole or a life detector monitor. My eyes slowly opened but were quickly stung by the light pouring in through the window.

"Robert wake up, it's your eleventh birthday! Today is the day you get your Hogwarts letter!"

I bolted up with my eyes flashing open.

"Daddy?" I asked.

There he was, unharmed, alive, and well standing at the doorway to my bedroom with dad by his side--No ventilator in his throat, his figure not thin, and his skin not as pale as I had recalled. The same applied to daddy's husband, who was smiling, alive and well, his hair not quite grayed. They were smiling back at me as I stumbled out of bed and crashed into them into a hug.

"Robbie, what is wrong?" Daddy asked.

"Just because you're getting your letter today doesn't mean your world with us gets to end." Dad said with a laugh.

"Johnny is right, you can always spend the holidays with us." Daddy said.

I was sobbing as they embraced me into my hug.

"Oh look, our little adopted boy is just sad that he has to leave his parents for Hogwarts." Dad assumed out loud. "He must be. . ."

"Do you like being part of our family?" Daddy asked.

I sniffled, nodding, being plagued by feelings I had only felt at their funeral that was livestreamed only a few days ago.

"We did get through to him, Charles." Dad said.

"We love you, Robert." Daddy said as he and Dad hugged me in unison.

It was the most heartwrenching thing to be hugged by people who were so vulnerable to a deadly virus to be so alive and well, healthy, blissfully acting as if nothing had happened last week. I could feel my heart coming back together piece by piece with help from super glue that was made of gold that made it all the more perfect with the imperfections and its value increased. I sniffled, leaning back out of the hug, then used my sleeve to clean off the snot then looked up toward the two men I had condemned with disobeying my personal set of common sense rules.

"I love you too, daddy, dad."

I realized my voice wasn't deep but now high pitched. They looked just the way that I remembered them over thirty years ago when I was ten years old, right when I had been brought to their house after the finer parts of the adoption had been seen to through. Right after they had claimed to a Muslim child being evacuated from a place that I don't remember much at all just the details of empty stores, bullets riddling the houses, blood, dust, screaming---I have forgotten the circumstance behind my previous parents. My friends claim I have suppressed that memory.

I was a kid, again. And they were alive. So utterly alive to my finger tips with warmth, pink skin, and laughter lines that had once sported them. But, Hogwarts? I don't really think Allah would have allowed heaven to be this way. What kind of spiritual retreat would involve watching a entire world --- no, a orphan --- be the subject of a dozen tragedies over the other? Watching the world around him choke to war and lose the appealing nature to it.

Allah had better places and I hadn't done a evil act in my life. Jahannam didn't deserve me but Jannah Lit did for being kind, the best version of myself that I could be, and praying to Allah five times a day. But, they were here. So it couldn't be Jahannam but only Jannah Lit. I didn't understand but I was going to try to understand what kind of afterlife that Allah had dropped me into.

"We will love you all the way to Hogwarts, Robbie." Daddy said.

"Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Hogwarts, Robbie. You should be getting your letter this afternoon."

"By Owl."

"Ww-w-w-w-wh--what year is it?"


My eyes rolled back and I fainted with a heap into the night.

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