"What?" Sophie says, pulling her chair closer.

My mother mumbles loudly in response, her words still undecipherable.

My father looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "You're so dramatic, that's where he," dad points at Harry, "gets it from." Mom pouts, slouching in her chair. "Grandma Delilah and Grandpa Jacob are coming this year as well as Aunt Ingrid."

Sebastian stands up so fast that he knocks over his chair, "NO!"


"This is so not fair!"

"Can I not be here when they get here?"

"Why couldn't we have just forgotten to invite them like we do every year?"

All of us yell our disappointments at the same time. I sit up in my chair and put my feet on the ground, "I don't understand why you invite them when you don't even like being around them." My siblings voice their agreements.

My father raises one hand and we all simultaneously quieten down. "They're still family Tessy and I personally invited them."

Harry scoffs, leaning back in his chair.

"Question," Sebastian raises his hand in the air, "If Aunt Ingrid is coming can we not stop Aunt Jenna from punching her this time if she gets annoying?"

"Yes! We have like, six years worth of bets going on, it's only fair," I try to convince them.

My father gives us all a blank expression, clearly unamused by the drama between his twin sister and his sister-in-law. He looks at my mother, who shrugs, "I mean, I'm down."

"Yes!" Harry and Sebastian high five across the table.

My father just stares at my mother, she gives him an innocent smile, "What? I have like a hundred bucks riding on this from like three years ago."

"Why did I marry you?" he asks, rolling his eyes.

My mother gets up from her seat and stops next to him. She leans down and grabs his chin in between her hand, "Because I'm the best damn thing that happened to you." With that, she kisses him sweetly before pulling back and walking inside.

My father has a dazed look on his face as he shakes his head, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. I know that as the children we're supposed to be dramatic about our parents' PDA but they're just too damn perfect for each other we can't help but smile as we watch my father stare after our mother as she pours herself another glass of wine.

|| ✨ ||

We're all watching a movie together in the den, which my parents had turned into a real movie room with recliners a year ago. Maddie picked the movie since, you know she broke her arm and all so we're sitting here watching Camp Rock 2. I mean, not that any of the siblings are complaining.

"We can't back down! There's too much at stake!" Sebastian screams the lyrics along with the movie, making us all laugh.

My parents are both asleep with their heads resting against each other. Harry and Maddie started a popcorn war five minutes into the movie so there's popcorn all over the floor and Charlotte has been texting more than paying attention.

"If I'm being honest, I'm not shocked that Camp Star won, Tear It Down slaps hard, the other song sucks,"Sebastian points out almost an hour later as we watch in slow motion Demi Lovato's facial expression crumble.

"It's amazing how invested you are in this movie," Sophie comments from next to him, her phone in her hand as she types a message to someone.

"Shut up Soph!" Sebastian shushes her shoving a handful of popcorn in her open mouth.

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