Chapter 2 : Sea blue eyes and purple roses

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When he reached Willow Avenue, Ginny was waiting for him in a beautiful yellow dress. He wasn't very sure if it was the one Harry gave to her as a present last year or if it was the one she bought on her multiple shopping trips with Hermione, but nevertheless, she looked very pretty in it.

Ginny got closer to her boyfriend and grinned at the purple roses Harry had in hand. "And for who might these beautiful flowers be?" she said as she took one out of the bouquet.

"Well, I was just about to give them to the charming lady over there. I wanted to know if she could go on a date with me!" Harry tried to get closer to the subject, the 60 year-old hat-wearing lady. Ginny laughed and blocked his body, and Harry knew it was useless trying to fight Ginny because she was way stronger than him. In a romantic wave of hand, he gave her the purple bouquet and a kiss on the lips.

They started walking. "So, where are we headed?" Ginny asked.

"Well, to the Burrow, obviously." Harry saw Ginny's disappointed look. "No?"

"We don't have to go straight back to my parents. We could have a bit of fun around here first." She was turning and jumping around her boyfriend trying to get excitement out of him.

If Harry was honest, the last thing he wanted to do right now was to run away with Ginny. He was tired, and he didn't want the flowers he just bought her to wilt due to lack of water and soil!

"I think Molly'll worry to death if she doesn't find us home soon," he tried to say as a joke.

Ginny nodded in defeat and they Disapparated on the spot.


Molly Weasley had changed a lot ever since Voldemort died. For starters, the dark circles around her eyes which sank her down to the Nightmare Place every night had vanished, she regained the pounds she lost and her face had a much more vivid expression. And whenever she had happiness rushes, Harry could even see her face light up like it did before the war. Before she lost- him. Harry knew the horrors of Fred's death sometimes came back in Molly's dreams and he tried as hard as he could not to picture his second mother crying in her sleep because of it.

"Harry! My dear, you're alive!" Molly screamed as Ginny and her boyfriend opened the front door.

Harry let go of Ginny's hand and hugged the redhead mother with the smile of an angel. "Really Molly," he assured her, "you shouldn't worry about me so much. Living in a flat is very rarely the cause of death of people in London, you know."

"Oh yes, yes, but it's surely not the same as living with your family here: Ron and George and Charlie... And Ginny!" Oh-how she loved remembering Harry and her daughter were a couple.

Ginny laughed. "Well exactly, it's a hundred times better that Harry and I don't have to live together and with a bunch of losers in the same hous-"


"I was kidding, Mom, for Merlin's sake!" She avoided her mother's hand jokingly trying to hit her face.

Harry, already lost in his thoughts, took the roses-not-rose to the kitchen. He found the perfect vase for them : the transparent heart-shaped one that adjusted its soil to the plants' needs. Which meant the flowers could never wilt.

The roses smelled so good but when Harry closed his eyes, all his nose remembered was Draco's lavender perfume overwhelming his mind and body... What a lovely shop, though. If Harry ever wanted buy flowers for Ginny again, he'll know exactly where to go.

On the other hand, one thing was keeping Harry very confused. Had Draco changed his eye colour? Or was it the sun's rays that affected his iris? Harry spent months stalking Draco when they were 16 and if he had blue eyes, he would've remembered. No, Harry knows very well that in Hogwarts, not once did Draco ever have blue tinted eyes. They were grey. They were dark, they were sad and they were grey. How on Earth did he get from that to sea blue eyes? He guessed he was dreaming, and that it would probably be best if he went back to the shop soon to make sure Draco's eyes had stayed grey.

For some unexplainable reason, it felt so good to see Draco again. The Hogwarts Draco who left the school two years ago was on "okay terms" with Harry, but the Lavender Draco was a completely other person. The Lavender Draco smiled. That was enough to tell the difference. Not to mention his whole appearance looked a lot softer, way too much for Hogwarts Draco : his hair, his eyes, his jawline and his lips-

"What's on your mind?"

Harry hadn't seen his girlfriend come in the kitchen and the sound of her voice almost made him jump. He kept silent.

"You know what those flowers symbolize?" she questioned after a while.

"Um, not really. I just found them pretty."

"Oh come on!" Ginny said in laughter. "You've watched 'No one else, just her' with me and you seriously don't know? Any person with basic knowledge of flowers would know about purple roses."

Harry chuckled. As if he didn't fall asleep after the first ten minutes of that movie. "Well, tell me, flower woman. What do they represent?"

Ginny kisses Harry soft on the cheek.

"They're the very symbol of love at first sight."

And with that, Harry closes his eyes, not knowing if the blonde who gave him the purple flowers was a complete fool or a clever idiot.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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