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She was lying in a bed.

She could hear the sound of light footsteps against the marble floors of the hospital. Twisting her body to the side, she raised herself up, a weary smile crossing her lips when the door swung open, revealing a nine year old Jaemin, grinning widely.

"My second tooth fell!" He announced proudly, running up to her bed and opening his mouth wide. "That's wonderful." Rina cooed, hands squishing his chubby cheeks. "You're becoming a big boy!"

He nodded firmly, before nudging at her lightly. She scooted over slightly, allowing Jaemin to crawl into the bed, avoiding the wires and machines she was hooked up to. "Where's father?" She asked softly when the boy had comfortably nestled himself into her side, head tucked under her chin, resting against her collarbone.

"Talking to doctors." He answered, before pulling away, blinking at her. "You've become thinner." Jaemin frowned, poking at her collarbone. "Eat more."

Rina chuckled lightly, tightening her arm around his waist. "Its hard to eat." She admitted, and the younger boy's lips curved downwards. "Why aren't you getting better?" He whined, pinching her arm with no real strength. "You are, right?"

His voice dropped as he turned away, refusing to look at her, staring at the edge of her bed. "You won't go like Youngho, will you?" He asked softly.

Her heart clenched, and she swallowed the lump in her throat, pressing a light kiss to his head. "I am." She whispered, wondering how her tongue hadn't been cut by the false words.

Everyone's lies bled together to form his reality, a reality where he was the Prince and had a sick older sister. "Its not a lie," Her father would say with a soft smile, brushing her hair back and pressing a kiss to her head when the pain got too much. "Humanity is a disease."

"And what am I?" She would ask, breathless from the ache in her limbs, the fire that burned under her skin, every nerve alight with pain as machines took control. "Something better." A proud gleam would be visible in terracotta eyes she had inherited. She lived on to see that pride - to be something better.

"Tests will be run to see the extent to which your body has adapted to the change." A doctor entered the room, both Jaemin and Rina's head snapping to look at the intruder, who's mouth dropped open in surprise.

Her father followed the man, a fond look on his face. "Jaemin," He shook his head, smiling warmly. "You should have waited."

The younger boy pouted, snuggling closer to Rina, arms around her. "I missed her." He whined. "I never see her anymore."

She glanced at the doctor and the back to her father fearfully. The man stepped forward, black trench coat swooshing around his feet with each step. He gathered the two of them into an embrace, before releasing them. "Your sister is being very brave, Jaemin." He lowered himself slightly, brushing Jaemin's bangs from his eyes slightly.

"Do you understand how precious she is?" He said softly, and Jaemin nodded his head vigorously. "I'll grow and big and strong and make sure she's always okay!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly at her.

"I'm sure you will." She said softly. If all went well, she wouldn't need it. She'd be strong, she'd be smart, she'd be everything the Kim Rina now wasn't. And hopefully, Jaemin would never have to undergo this. She was doing this to protect him as well, wasn't she? That's why she allowed them to lie, even if it felt sick.

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