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Silence fell over the room. Her vision tunneled, blocking out the hurried footsteps of Mark, the curious questions Jungwoo prodded her with, the piercing stare of Taeyong, and the worry written over Ten's face.

All she could focus on was the man who was shaking, turning paler with each passing second. She opened her mouth, and tried to say his name. Youngho, she tried to whisper, the faintest ghost of her voice passing from her lips, but the moment she tried to speak, her throat tightened, a feeling of pain similar to the feeling of a hot spike being driven straight into her throat made her double over, coughing.

She shouldn't have tried.

Ten rushed forward, catching her as flecks of blood decorated her lips like fallen petals of a withered rose, holding her delicately as if she was glass, a soft voice muttering words of comfort that she couldn't make out. She turned her head to look at her through hooded eyes, and it hurt more.

He really was the picture of a worried angel, chapped lips pulled into a worried frown, eyebrows furrowed and large, soft eyes ghosting over her face. She pulled away lightly from him, massaging her throat as her tongue darted out and swiped at the blood on her lips, the taste of metal and salt overwhelming her taste buds.

He looked away from her, and she could discern a warning glance given to the lookalike of Youngho -Johnny- who was still frozen. His lips were parted in shock, countenance mimicking that of someone who had seen a ghost.

"Rina," Mark's voice filled the room, as the boy stepped forward, laden with worry. "Are you okay?" He knelt down, before she backed away, using the wall as support as she hoisted herself up, eyes fixed on Johnny.

"What's going on?" Mark's eyes were narrowed as he followed Rina's line of sight, landing on Johnny. Ten had paused, tensing as if he was assessing the situation, before he murmured, "Well, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen."

"What?" Mark frowned, staring at Ten weirdly. "Ask him." The black haired gestured to Johnny, to which Mark complied, the shorter stalking up to the taller and looking up at him. "What is it?" He demanded.

"I- I need to talk to her." Johnny said shakily, his gaze having been fixated on Rina for the past few minutes. Silence ensued at his words, before Mark said, "She can't talk."

"Mark." Ten said exasperatedly, gesturing for the younger to come to him. "Let's go in."He made eye contact with the white haired, who had been silent up till this point. "You too, Taeyong." Ten instructed softly.

"Alright," Taeyong shrugged, placing a hand on Jungwoo's shoulder as he guided the blue hair past Rina, flashing the girl an unreadable look. She stared back with narrowed eyes, and then he was gone. Ten turned to leave, but she quickly grabbed his wrist.

He turned in surprise, and she caught a flicker of hope stirring in his eyes, raising an eyebrow at her actions. Paper, she motioned. He gave an understanding nod, deflating ever so slightly. Mark glumly handing over the notepad he was brought with him accidentally in his haste following Rina out of the room.

The black haired male ushered Mark away, before glancing apprehensively towards Johnny, his gaze then flickering to Rina, before he turned away, and left.

His footsteps faded away, the silence once again settling over the two of them like a thick blanket. She raised her eyes from the carpet to Johnny's face, the pale pallor to his skin slowly fading as if he was making an attempt at collecting the last shreds of his thoughts and dignity.

"Are- Are you the ghost girl they brought?" Johnny asked, voice hoarse, almost as if he couldn't bring himself to speak properly. She nodded, glancing at him again. The similarity to Youngho sent chills down her spine, her mind whirring with a thousand possibilities, a million scenarios, a plethora of possible reasons as to why he looked uncannily like her - dead - brother.

KING Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora