"Yeah but you don't want to actually talk about it. like, talk talk."

Jinsoul snapped, expected by Hyunjin actually; she felt she'd go through the same thing as Haseul, "well what would you do if Heejin left you for her dreams? like, I know I should be happy for her, but isn't she basically saying we have to break up? I can't lose her Hyun, I just can't."

Hyunjin caressed her friends back slowly. From the position she was in and how she was trembling under her touch Hyunjin guessed she was holding back her tears, "that's it, let it out. I haven't been friends with you all these years so you could shut me out. Let it all out bub!"

Hyunjin felt Jinsoul's body shake, but not the kind where she's trembling. She was laughing. A fond smile made itself known on the younger's face.

"Oh wait, nevermind. You can talk later. There's Ryujin! and....Lee Sunmi?"

"What?" Jinsoul whipped her head up so fast, seeing over where Haseul was talking to the mentioned women, "what are they doing here?"

"eh, beats me," Hyunjin stood up, placing her hand in front of Jinsoul, "why don't we find out?"

"Ah! There you two are. Nice to see you again, Jinsoul," Sunmi nodded at her, "and you must be Hyunjin!"

Confused, Hyunjin shakes the older's hand, "I want to talk with you three."

Noticing how Sunmi was referring to her two friends and Ryujin, and how she has nothing to do with this, Haseul excused herself. Jinsoul noticed a frown as she turned away.

"Okay, so," Sunmi started, inhaling air like she was about to say something really important that she could just not mess up, "The people in charge of the national team needed a few new recruits because some players are gonna part ways."

Hearing something regarding the national team, Jinsoul's ears perked, interested in listening. Her two friends on either side of her the same.

"Oh, that's unfortunate news," Ryujin commented. "Yes, and surprisingly they wanted me to find more recruits. Anyway I'll cut to the chase,"

Jinsoul didn't know where this was going. But deep down, she knew and she wished it was exactly the case.

"I want to recruit you three."

Oh, so she was right. Hah, who would've thought?


Wait, what?

"Sorry?" She heard Hyunjin say, "I am so so sorry, with all due respect, ma'am. Did I hear you correctly? Do I have to get my ears checked?"

"Are you sure about this, coach? I mean, I respect what you want but- us?" Ryujin asked after Hyunjin. Jinsoul was still processing the words properly.

Sunmi laughed nervously, "yeah well, I know I don't get like this a lot. To be honest with you, this is just a hunch."

"But somehow I just know you three would only do wonders for the team," Jinsoul really couldn't believe her ears. Maybe Hyunjin was on to something, should she get her ears checked?

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