Day -1

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All heads turn when a mysterious man (?) with blue hair walks into the small coffee shop. This wasn't his first time, yet he always seemed to attract attention. It's a surprise that he's still such a mystery, given that he gets coffee from this same shop three times a day every day. Still, all anyone knows about him is that he's rich. I mean, he has to be to be getting expensive coffee three times a day like a fucking crackhead. You might be thinking "wouldn't they have to know his name too since you give your name when you order?" Well, yes, but no one believes his name is actually Legato because what kinda name is Legato anyway. Dumb.

By the time "Legato" reaches the counter, his order is already ready for him. It's just a ritual at this point honestly. The cashier, "Midvalley,' according to his name tag, hands the same cup of coffee over to Legato with the same smile on his face as he always has. "Your regular, enjoy."

Legato pays the cashier then brings his coffee over to his table in the corner. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's his table. That's a story for another time though. Anyways, he then proceeds to snort his steaming hot coffee like its cocaine or something. This is normal.

Then, it's that time of day once again. The time when he comes in to order coffee. The doors slam open. An angry blonde with a dumb haircut walks in and moseys on over to the counter.

"Kill me," Midvalley mutters.

The blonde approaches the counter and dramatically takes off his Gucci sunglasses. "Order for Knives. Give me a venti caramel macchiato with extra whip, two added shots, chocolate drizzle, freshly squeezed almond milk from your ripest almonds instead of regular milk, and also no caramel."

Midvalley keeps the same smile on his face, although his eye twitches, as he enters the man's order into the cash register. "Right away sir," he tells Knives.

A millisecond after telling the barista Knives's's' order, Knives yells, "WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO LONG WHERE IS MY COFFEE I HAVE PLACES TO BE?!?!?!1!1!1!!!"

Through gritted teeth, Midvalley responds with, "We apologize for the inconvenience, valued customer, your order will be ready as soon as possible."

"It better fucking be," Knives spits as he looks at his watch that he doesn't have.

"This fucking bitch," Midvalley thinks to himself.

Thankfully, the barista (Wolfwood, the name tag says) comes in at that exact moment with the venti caramel macchiato with extra whip, two added shots, chocolate drizzle, freshly squeezed almond milk from their ripest almonds instead of regular milk, and also no caramel.

Knives is angery. "Excuse me?!" he screams, "I asked for a grande white chocolate mocha with an added shot and caramel drizzle! Not this venti caramel macchiato with extra whip, two added shots, chocolate drizzle, freshly squeezed almond milk from your ripest almonds instead of regular milk, and also no caramel!"

On the verge of commuting homicide, Midvalley says, "We apologize for the inconvenience, sir. We can make you a new coffee that is a grande white chocolate mocha with an added shot and caramel drizzle."

"That's not good enough!" Knives screams, "I also want a refund for this terrible excuse of a drink you tried to give me and compensation for wasting my time by messing up my order!"

"My fucking god," Midvalley scream whispers internally. Barely able to keep a smile on his face, he says (almost robotically), "I am so incredibly sorry. S i r. Unfortunately, I am unable to do as you ask. The most I can do is give you a new drink."


Midvalley clenches his fists and sighs for like 2 minutes straight. "Okay, sir. Please be patient while I go get the manager."

Knives scoffs. "This place is ridiculous. Can't even make a simple vegan iced espresso with whip, strawberry drizzle, extra milk, and no ice."

Suddenly, Knives notices a certain blue haired boy staring at him. "What the fuck do you want?!" He yells.

"Asdfghjkl," Legato says except in his mind so only he can hear him. "Oh my god he noticed me staring what if he realizes I always stare at him when he comes to this coffee shop oh my god what if he realizes I have a crush on him what do I do what do I do oh my god asdfghj-"

At that moment, Midvalley returns with the manager. He looks suspiciously a lot like Knives, though his blond hair is brighter. And also he has resting happy face instead of resting bitch face. "What seems to be the problem, valued customer?"

"The problem is that you have incompetent workers that can't even make a passion fruit tea with extra tea and no passion without messing it up!"

Wolfwood has to hold Midvalley back as Knives says this, and thankfully the manager is blocking them so Knives can't see.

Legato begins to space out as Knives argues with the manager to get what he wants. In that moment, all he can see is Knives. "I have to get closer to him somehow."

"Have a great day! Love and peace!"

Legato snaps back to reality when he hears the manager yell annoyingly positively. It seems the problem was resolved once again, because Knives walks away with a satisfied look.

Since Knives leaves, Legato has no reason to stay any longer. So, he walks to the trash to throw away himsel- I mean his cup.

"Ugh we really need to get more staff, Vash. Wolfwood and I can't deal with that guy alone." Midvalley whispers (loudly).

"I know, I know," the manager responds, "That's why I made these help wanted posters that I conviently have not yet put up!"

"OWO? What's this?" Legato once again says to himself, "Maybe if I work here I can get closer to Knives!"

Legato whips around to face the counter and the workers after having thrown away his recyclebale cup. "I WORK HERE PLEASE!"

(dododdoo to be continued(

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