Waking up

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I woke up, still in Elijah's arms which were wrapped around me completely. I attempted to move his arms and get up but unfortunately for me, that only tightened his grip.
"Princess, where are you going?" He blew into my ear knowing that it would tickle me, I melted at that nickname.
"Trahahhayyyijg to get out oahahf beeeddd" l giggled.
"Yeah that's not going to be happening any time soon" once again, in my ear. His arm grip tightened and he wrapped his arms all the way round mine so I was completely immobile but then dug his fingers just below into my armpits which I could do nothing about. His fluttering fingers danced up and down turning me into a pile of giggly mess.
"noooahahahahh, sstoahahappppp" I squealed and wriggled in his grip. His fingers caressed and bounced against my sides as I threw my head back in laughter, but as his fingers got lower and lower down my sides, laughter got louder, and my struggling increased.
"Aww come on princess, why'd you want to leave all of a sudden" my face went red again from that nickname and my giggles got more intense as he whispered that into my ear. However my laughter really went up a pitch when his fingers found their way to my stomach. He stopped for a second fooling me into thinking he'd finished, but my thoughts were dashed when his cold fingers darted to my warm stomach, he dug his wriggling fingers up and down, going all the way up to the bottom of my ribs then skittering down to my hip bones then diving into my most sensitive belly button doing all of this while my hands were pinned to my sides, he was practically glued to me. As if that was it enough he made tiny kisses up and down my neck whilst his hands dug into my sensitive sides.
At that moment I lost it, I squealed and kicked until he got off me and him, sensing this, slowed his fingers down.
I turned to him and looked into his eyes, I felt flutters in my stomach, but not the same ones I had felt a minute ago from being tickled, a different kind.

Elijah and his crushWhere stories live. Discover now