Boy Cute

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1st grade


Zackary Bright. He was an outcasted child for his superior intellectual mind. He was made to be a perfect child. Wealthy, smart, and well, cute, but even so he was outcasted.

At age 5, he was robbed and stabbed in his left eye. His parents, being wealthy and intelligent just made him a new and better eye. And since then, he would never leave the house alone.

His bright orange hair and computer chip eye stood out in a crowd. His scrawny body just basically said "weak"

The boy would smile his bright smile and blush his light blush, but still. He was an outcast.

The young boy stared out the limo window as the chauffeur slowly pulled up to the 7 year olds private school

The young boy frowned

"D-Do...Do I need to go" he muttered silently as he blushed, like he always did.

"I'm sorry, Young Zackary, but yes, it is your parents orders" the chauffeur said with sympathy for the young child.

Zachary sighed as he opened the door and stepped out the limo. He shut the door slowly.

Right after he did, the limo drove off.

Zack took a step.


"Ha! Look! The smart kid fell again!" A boy yelled as he pointed at Zachary.

All the little kids turned and just laughed.

One security guard ran up to Zachary to help him, but the time he got there Zack had ran away.

The young boy ran to his class and shut himself in.

There was nothing bad about coming into class early right?

Zack sat down at the desk at the far back. He stared at the clock and waited for the bell to ring.

The bell soon rang, and little kids filled the 1st grade class.

Zack sighed, another school day.

The class was all seated, Zack sat in the back row, alone.

The kids waited for the teacher to come in.

Finally the young female teacher walked in, a young child holding her hand.

"Good morning class" she sang

"Good morning, Ms. Bell" the class answered back.

"We have a new student, do you want to say your name?" Ms. Bell asked the young one

"Masss-well Johnson" the boy said, unable to pronounce the z.

Maxwell Johnson. Incredibly charmful since birth. He had a smile that could melt your heart. His long golden hair in a short ponytail. His blue angel eyes just enchanting. He was adopted by two incredible wealthy married mothers.

"Hi Maxwell!" The class answered.

Zack didnt say a thing. He just stared at the boy.
"Well he's cute...not cute cute but boy cute...wait...ugh" Zack thought to himself.

He shook these thoughts off. He then just stared at the floor.

"Now Maxwell, take a seat" The teacher said.

Maxwell looked at the room. He saw kids make room for him. A lot of different empty seats.

He then turned his attention to the boy at the back.

He smiled and skipped to the back of the room and sat right next to the boy.

"Hi!" Maxwell told the boy in a cheery tone.

Zackary looked up at him and blushed in embarrassment as he realised someone was actually talking to him.

"H-Hi.." the boy muttered

"I'm Masss-well! Who might you be!?"

Zackary stared at him for a moment

"Z-Zachary" he answered

Maxwell leaned grinned as he turned to the boy and leaned towards him

"Cool name!" He said

Maxwell wasn't one for personal space.

"Really...? Thanks..." the boy said quietly, his blush growing.
"Haha, no problem! Say Zackary, want to be friends!? Please!" The young golden haired boy said

"Really...sure" Zack said.

Maxwell grinned as he grabbed Zackary close and hugged him tightly.

"Yay, Zacky's my friend!" He squealed.

Zackary's face grew redder as he thought to himself

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