Chapter 31; It Was All Because Of Me

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( A/N: Guys, bring out your tissues...for this one. Prepare your emotions and your tears...)

Victoria's POV

"How is Jade sired to Elijah?" I asked.
"WHAT?! What do you mean?!?" Kol yells at me. "There was this strong energy giving off while I was unlinking them. Energy of a bond. Sire bond, which can only be activated if Elijah turned Jade" I explained calmly.

We all look towards Elijah. "Do you mind explaining?" I asked Elijah. "PLEASE DO, BROTHER" Kol threatens clenching his jaw.

Elijah inhaled sharply before answering standing in front of Kol and I was a few feet at the back of Elijah. "Everyday, I would slip my blood in his coffee because Jade asked me to.The day she died, she must've still have my blood in her system before yours." He explained to Kol.

"SHE ASKED YOU TO?!" Kol exclaimed. He got angrier and picked up the stake from earlier and threw it at Jade before she gets hit, I caught the stake and threw it back to Kol and he got hit near the heart.

They all looked at me with a surprised look. I sped to him and pulled the stake out. I held him by the throat and slammed him against the wall. "You do realized that could've killed her, right?" I growled at him.

"As a matter of fact, I don't know why you are so mad at her for cheating on you TWICE. How about you? Have you ever thought of how many women you slept with when we were together? 5 or maybe MORE? You think you are so much better than her. Hate to break it to you, but you're worse! No wonder she chose Elijah over you. I wish I would've done the same." I spat with tears threatening to spill but I held them back.

He looked at me with surprised eyes at my out burst as I realized the last part of what I said. 'I wish I would've done the same'. Oh shit.

I let him go. "Kol I-" I didn't finish my sentence because he stormed out.

I looked back at them staring at me with wide eyes. Damon approached me and gave me a hug. "I think you need 'Girls Night', don't you think?" He asked as he rested his chin on the top of my head while I sob. "Yes, please" I said and he pulled back nodding at Elijah, Nik and Stefan as they sped out of the house, leaving me, Bonnie, Kat, Caroline and Jade.

Elena wasn't here because she was with Jeremy. I plopped down at the couch. "I'm an ass" I muttered. "He is too. Don't worry, he'll come around" Caroline said reassuringly. "Yeah, I know. He always does. He didn't deserve to hear those terrible things I said. I didn't even mean it" I said as Kat handed me a carton of ice cream. "Thanks" I said.

"Jade, Elijah let you have his blood? Everyday?" Care asked narrowing her eyes. "Yes. But just a little amount. Why?" She asked. "Why? really do need vamp-lessons. Blood sharing is kinda...personal. If someone's gonna give you blood, it needs to be, more or less, a loved one. a.k.a Kol. Your boyfriend. Unless, you developed feelings for Elijah? Have you?" Kat asked smirking.

Jade didn't answer and looked down nervously. " You love him. Don't you?" Caroline blurted out.
"I-I never meant for it to happen... I-It just d-did." She finally said stuttering.

Suddenly the door flew open, revealing Rebekah standing there. She looked at the broken pieces of glass and the coffee table, now split in half.

She narrowed her eyes as she looked over to us in the living room. "What the bloody hell happened to the house? I was gone for a few hours and I find the house in a mess that looked like a warzone." She said.

"Sit. I'll explain everything" I told her as I started talking. "SHE'S SIRED TO ELIJAH?!" She yelled. "Yes. Now she thinks she loves him. Not Kol" Kat replied rolling her eyes.

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