Chapter Nine: Sword Fights and Sexual Tension

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"You're going down!"

"In your dreams."

The students watched eagerly as the two leapt at and away from each other, the early afternoon sunlight glinting off the steel of their rapiers as they fenced. Dressed entirely in fencing gear, with mesh masks over their faces, the only visible signs giving away the identity of the pair was the purple tipped-hair of Minty swishing behind her, and the stocky build of Sips.

"The only down you go in my dreams is down on me, babe." Sips parried one of Minty's thrusts, and the blonde stumbled forward, catching herself before she could fall into Ridge's arms. The ginger's jaw was set, glaring at Sips. He obviously didn't like the other boy's words. He didn't need to do anything about it, however, as Minty growled, whirling around, bringing her blade down on his.

"Fuck you."

"When and where?"

"Is it just me, or are you guys sensing some tension here too?" Sparkles glanced around at his classmates, eyes squinted to block out the sunlight. They were gathered in back of the school, not far from the archery range. Most of them were dressed in gear similar to Sips and Minty's, mesh helmets tucked beneath their arms. Only a select couple had the helmets perched upon their heads (namely, Zoey, Ravs, and Sky).

The fight was over rather quickly, ending with Sips cursing loudly as Minty tagged his chest with the tip of her blade.

"Good work, Minty!" The fencing teacher, Mr. Melee, stepped over, clapping his hands. "Excellent form. Sips," he glanced at the currently fuming boy, "You need to work on your footwork."

Minty shot him a smug smile as she lifted her helmet off her head, flipping her hair over her shoulder and skipping off to join Zoey; Sips flipped her off, grumbling to himself.

"Now then, who's next?" Mr. Melee glanced down at his clipboard, flipping swiftly through his various papers. "Ah, Duncan Jones! Annnnnnd... Zoey Proasheck!"

A wide grin spread across Zoey's face, as she eagerly skipped out beside Mr. Melee. Duncan's hands had tightened into fists, however; clenched so tight the knuckles were turning white. He began to move stiffly out of the crowd, and Rythian broke out as well.

"Mr. Melee," he called somewhat nervously, raising a hand. "Can I fence with Duncan instead?"
Duncan's head jerked up, flashing a glare in Rythian's direction, while Mr. Melee shrugged. "Zoey?"

"It's fine with me," she said sweetly, and made her way back into the group, pressing a small kiss to Rythian's cheek as she did so. Rythian cast a small smile in her direction, before tugging nervously at his scarf, stepping up to face Duncan.

One look into Duncan's eyes told him he'd made the right choice taking this fight from Zoey. You couldn't see a drop of happiness in their depths today; only bitter, dripping acid. A scowl tugged the corners of the blond teen's mouth as he gripped the hilt of his rapier, and as Rythian donned his helmet and readied his own stance, that morning's events resurfaced in his mind in detail...

He opened the door of their dorm, lazily winding his scarf around the scarred half of his face as he did so. It was early morning, and the dormitory building was still fairly quiet, just the way he liked it. He went to step out, but nearly bumped right into a certain redhead.

Zoey stood outside the dorm, nervously wringing her hands. When Rythian opened the door, she let out a startled squeak, before quickly flashing him a nervous smile.

"G-good morning, Ryth," she stammered out.

"... Morning, Zoey," he replied calmly, though his heart was now starting to feel like a butterfly trying to escape a cage. He wanted to ask what she was doing outside his dorm at this time in the morning, but the words wouldn't come. Turns out, they didn't need to.

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