Chapter 2

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"Guys enough of the shits and giggles , i have to talk about something....serious and important " Shirley said with an expression that can only be described as the "i am holding my poop in for the past 4 hours" look. "What did you eat last night? Are you constipated " Andrew deadpanned. "Andrew what did i say?" Shirley said with a stern look, forget stern it was a freakin' death stare  "Y...e......s Ma'" Andrew said with fear shrouding his face and inches away from peeing his pants and his hand resting on his forehead and his palm facing Shirley.

" guys know about Archie right?" Shirley asked the two males  ."oh i damn well know him , how can i forget my arch nemesis? I won't forget the time where he teamed up with Veronica (who is the(self proclaimed )queen of smash ) on poor little Andy-Dandy." Andrew said with a fake look of disgust on his face and his palms clenched into fists , he got into a fighting stance as if he was Mike Tyson and about to rip someone 's head off. "Shut up Andrew , you literally only play as sonic ,  so it's obvious that the teamwork of mario and luigi can beat you" Larce finally spoke and ran a hand through his grey hair for the 1000th time. "But still......" Andrew pleaded in an innocent tone while showing off his puppy dog eyes.

"ENOUGH ! LEMME SPEAK OR I'LL CREMATE BOTH OF YOU ALIVE" Shirley whisper-yelled . "So as i was saying, you know how i'll be Archie's legal guardian in a few months right? So i know how it's pretty much impossible for me to think about relationships right now but.......Nathan asked me out?" Shirley said while nibbling on her nails and being a blushing mess. "Nathan who , Drake? Jones? Anderson? " Larce asked. "Scott" Shirley replied still looking down and poking one of her index fingers with the other one. "Are you f#cking kidding me? He is the hottest boy in our school and not to mention athletic , if he asked me out , there is a chance that i would say yes and i am not even gay!, are you sure it's the same guy?" Andrew said clearly shocked . "Yes!" Shirley said.

Andrew then pushed his imaginary glasses up his nose and said " Now i can conclude one thing.......Larce...You got competition, go get the girl , i am rooting for you" Andrew said in a serious tone and then .....he ran like Usain Bolt since Shirley had enough and was bolting after him (see what i did there ?, ok i'll creep back into my hole) . "F#ck you" she yelled and people were giving her weird looks and were gazing at her with disdain but she didn't care . "That's Larce's job not mine" Andrew yelled back. "Shut up you two ,this is a public place " Larce said while apologising to everyone in  their way for his friends' immature behaviour.

Shirley then stopped for a brief moment , she fished out her phone from her handbag and as she switched it on , the hello kitty lock screen appeared , she entered her passcode and looked at the time, it was 5:19 , her shift starts in a minute, due to Andrew's bullshit she wasn't able to talk about the real thing. She waved at Larce signalling that she is going snd he grabbed Andrew by the collar and made him wave by jerking his left hand left and right. Shirley thought to  herself that she will just talk about it tomorrow and rushed to the reception and thankfully the seat she was supposed to sit on was occupied by the guy who preceded her shift , they greeted each other and the guy made his way to the exit as Shirley sat on the warm chair .

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