Chapter Six

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"I. Hate. You. So. Much," I whispered, pulling the pillow up to cover my face. That movie was so scary... So scary... I wanted to die, truth be told. I got so scared in the middle of the movie that I ended up on Justin, with my face hidden in his chest.

That was embarrassing, don't even mention that anymore. And yes, that is definitely what one gets if they were to force me into watching paranormal stuff.

I shook my head again, trying to get rid of that ghostly image in my head. Oh, my God. I think I'm gonna start saying the rosary tonight. Holy shit, my goosebumps, oh. Sighing heavily, I shook my head again. Seriously, I'd say I'm scared a thousand times more but I'd grow even more fearful so I'd better start focusing on livelier things.

"Come on, Juliet! It wasn't even that bad!" Justin let out a loud laugh, making me pull the pillow down to glare at him. SHIT, HE'S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE THAT GHOST. OH MY GOD, DIE DIE DIE.

Quickly pulling myself back, I shifted away from him and hid myself among the pillows. "I am going to die today and go to hell. Because I didn't pray to God often. I am so scared."

"Jules?" Justin's voice sounded guilty and sad, though, the amusement behind it was still there. I wanted to slap him so hard but I didn't dare to look at him now. I was afraid I might screram and he would chase after me if I ran.


"Justin, shut up and love me," I blurted accidentally, going red when I realized what I'd said. Okay, it wasn't entirely my fault. I said that in a singing so I hope he understood. Hell, I mumbled that into the pillow, he sure as hell wouldn't have heard it. Pulling the pillow away from my mouth, I said, "Justin, shut up and on the lights."

"But why! It's so romantic now!" He whined, trying to pull the pillow away from my face. When he realized I wasn't going to let go any time now, he heaved a sigh before getting off the sofa and walking over to the switch.


I pulled the pillow away from my eyes and looked at him, trying to look past the stupid, idiotic ghost face and look at Justin. "Justin, is that really you?"

He instantly laughed, "It has always been me, Jules. Speaking of which, I didn't know you'd get so.....scared of this. I'm sorry, I promise to never make you watch anything scary with me again." And he really did sound sincere. Even though he still wore a small smile on his face.

"Maybe I'm just overreacting," I added on, "so it's okay." Even though I really wasn't. I was really just this scared of anything paranormal.

He nodded. "Okay, so watcha wanna do now?"

"Sleep. So I don't have to sleep tonight and I can do whatever the hell I want with happy things." I grumbled, turning over so that my back was facing him. I balanced myself backwards and was ready to throw the pillow forward...but then I went overboard and my head landed onto Justin's lap.


"Sorry," I hurriedly said, before struggling to get up. Damn it, his lap was comfortable. Shooting me a rather pained look, his cheeks began tinting pink as he started coughing.

"Jules, that's not my lap," his said, as though he was on the verge to cough, while his face turned a little red as he coughed a little more, managing to whisper, "that's Jerry."

My jaw dropped. And my eyes grew wide. And my cheeks grew as red as tomato. And I struggled even more to get up. With the help of him though, I managed to sit back up within a second. I just  want to run back into my room and dig a hole in the middle of nowhere and jump inside and die. I am so embarrassed! I can't believe I was lying on Justin's.......dick.

"S-S-S-Sorry," I stammered heavily, not daring to turn around. I am going crazy! This is so weird. This is so awkward! Oh, my God! I'm going insane on the inside, holy cow!

He didn't reply either, so the both of us just remained silent while we sat there awkwardly.

After a while, like, five minutes, though, he open his mouth again. "Uh... things happen. By accident. All the time. Uh, it's okay, Jules. It's okay."

I made sure I was steady enough to answer him. I rubbed my face up and down roughly before turning around to look at him. "Do you need ice or something?" What on earth did I just ask him!? What kind of a question was that, even?!

Chuckling, his slightly pink cheeks turned to me, "No, thanks. That'll hurt more."

"Well," this is awkward, "let's play twenty questions. I wanna get to know you more than what meets the eyes."

He looked rather surprised at my offer, though. Positioning myself so that I was facing him, I jerked my chin at him, trying to get him to answer me, "Yeah, sure. But shouldn't you already know about me?" Then he flashed me a smirk.

Annnnnnnnnnnd his egoistical self is back. Um, okay. Doesn't really help with the whole trust issue thing, but okay, then.

May the questions, begin. 

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