Chapter Two

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What's up guys!? Welcome to the next chapter of our fanfic.

Thank you so much to those who liked, and commented on the last chapter.

So enjoy!

Visions of people blur past me in shoots. I get glimpses of their horrified faces, my chest rises ad falls at every shallow, shaky breath. Adrenaline courses through my veins as a thick layer of sweat covered the nape of my neck. I keep my breathing steady, I push harder and harder, dodging the grabs of awaiting titans. My calves burn, my breath forming clouds in the air. My shoes pound heavily across the ground causing mud to slash up my leg, the wind whips my hair back from my face.

I skid on my heels to face a crushed house on my side. It was the Riddick household. I shudder at the thought of our neighbours being devoured by those creatures. Against my instincts screaming at me to run away, I push the huge beams of wood and roof tiles to see a young woman laying flat on her stomach, her lower half disappeared into the rubble.

“Mrs. Riddick?” I speak up in disbelief. “Is that you?”

The woman looks up, her horribly bruised face twisted in an attempt of a smile. “(Y/N).” She gasps, spitting out a clot of blood.

My fingers curl underneath the planks and boards and I heave to lift them.

“(Y/N), I can’t get out, so please save my daughter.” She gasps in pain. “Get her to the ship.”

A young girl, no older than me stumbles to my side, she rubs her eye. She’s not as scratched up as her mother, but she has a few face wounds. I Had only spoken to her a few times, from visiting the family with my father, I think her name was Suzie.

Suzie looks up at me as if I’m her saviour, she looks back to her to her mother. “What about-?”

“There’s no time.” I reply, “we need to go and find the ship, there’s not a moment to lose” As much as it pained me to see her leave her mother behind after I’d witnessed my own Father being devoured.


I whip around to see Armin standing at the end of the clearing with what looked to be his grandfather.

“Armin!” Never before had I been so happy to see another human being in my life.
“What in the world are you doing here!? Aren’t you supposed to be evacuating?”
Oh yeah.

“Come on Suzie, we have to go now.” I say ushering the girl away. I grab her hand and rush to catch up to them.

“So, what were you doing there?” Armin asks, whilst we run down the street.

“I was saving this little girl.” I gesture to her.

“Oh, what’s your name?” Armin asks.

“…Suzie.” Suzie mumbles just loud enough for me and him to hear.

“Where’s your dad?” He asks, when he realises what he’s said, his eye widen and panic. “Oh my god, (Y/N), I’m so sorry.”

I shake my head, “It’s okay, we just need to get to the ship as soon as possible, god knows how much space there could be left.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Well, I’m definitely not okay, my dad died. But he did give me this.” I hold up the letter.

“A letter?”

“Yeah, apparently it’s really important.”


I link arms with Armin and Suzie while he links with his grandfather’s as we fight slowly from the packed deck to the gang plank.

The Commander's Neice (Levi X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz