Chapter Five

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Hey guys, I'm back with another update! I'm really excited about this one because we introduce Levi finally!

I won't keep you waiting, any longer, please enjoy the chapter!

My breath catches in my throat as I’m pulled through the back streets of Sina. Every so often, father will glance at me before looking to the front. I see flashes of people as I look through the windows of the shops and houses.

The image of my mother on the floor, wound in her side. What did they want? Was it my father they were after? Did they want to kill mother?
The entire thing spun around my head until it hurt. I pull away from my father’s grasp and fall to the floor.


I tuck my knees to my chest and begin to sob, a waterfall of tears and emotion overwhelms me. my tears soak through my skirt, I run my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know what’s going on.” I scream. “Mother’s dead and I don’t even know where we’re meant to go now.”

“Hey now, hold on.” Father says cupping my face. “Everything’s going to be okay. Your mother and I had a feeling that something like this would happen so we have a house for us in Shiganshina.”

I nod, whipping my eyes.

“It’ll be okay, and I’m sorry you had to see something like that.” He helps me to my feet. “But we must go now, before we’re spotted.”

Then, the memory fades.

I watch in terror as the beast approaches me. tears form in the corners of my eyes.

The titan falls to the ground, narrowly mossing my legs. Before I have time to think I’m scooped into a pair of strong arms and bought to a rooftop.

The soldier sets me down and by this point I get a better look at him; he looks to be a fair bit older than me but despite that he looked very good for his age. He looks at me with a steely look, his eyes narrow and slanted. His jet-black hair, styled in an undercut.
I feel my heart race as I look at him. I had never seen anyone like him before, I look to his uniform. The scouts! This man was part of the scouts, could he be my relative that father spoke about. I sure hope not.
“Are you okay?” The soldiers voice is a mixture of stoic and gruff.

“Ah, yeah…uh I’m great. it’s just a- ahh!” I wince in pain.

“You are not fine.” He sighs and rolls up my trouser leg, the wound residing on my leg, oozing with blood. “Lucky for you, I bought something that might help.” He reaches into his pocket and grabs a few dull white cloths. He dabs the wound with the first, he wraps the second one around my leg.

“Okay, now try not to put any weight on it for a while but you should be fine.”

“Thank you.” I say as quietly as I can.

“Captain!” I hear a young woman yell as she jumps down onto the roof top. “The reinforcements are here sir!”

“Captain?” I mumble. He’s a captain!? It explains his steely attitude.

“Thank you, Petra. I’ll take care of it from here.” He turns back to look at me. “Be careful cadet, I’d like to keep the casualties to a minimal. Okay?” and with that, he leaps off the rooftop along with the rest of his team.

I look down to my leg, the captain did a pretty good job at dressing my wound. I wobble to my feet, if I glide around on my 3DMG gear, my leg will heal quicker. I lean against the chimney surveying the area. I should really be looking for Marco, but by the looks of things, Reiner hadn’t found Bertoldt.

I draw my blades and move through the air, houses and titans zip past, for the first time, I feel alive. I feel light as air, as though I’m capable of anything. Despite me being in a very dangerous situation, I’ve never felt more alive.
My stomach flips as I glide through the town, I hop on to a nearby clock tower to get a better look. the town looks like it had been burned to the ground, titans crawled the place. I sigh at the messed-up world in front of me.

This seem to be a little more difficult than I previously thought. For starters, I had only met one corps soldier and he had shown no indication that he could have been my relative. What could my relative be like? One thing’s for sure; I definitely hope it isn’t captain sexy, back there. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone quite like that before. It was the way he seemed to see right through me sent a shiver throughout me. The truth is, he shared no resemblance to me. If anything; he looked more like Mikasa. I know that my relative was part of the scouts, but that’s about it. I wonder what they’re like? It’s my only family now, I suppose it would be nice to finally have someone after all these years.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a silhouette of a man hunched over against the wall. I squint at them; they look awfully familiar.

“Marco?” I say curiously as I glide over to his side as hastily as I could, scraping my arm on the harsh brick wall, and would be shocked to what I’d find.

I see Marco slumped against the wall; his eyes are almost lifeless.

“M-marco?” I put a hand on his shoulder and turn him to face me. “Oh my god!”

Nausea claws at my throat, and I try to force down the bile, but it was too late. Chunks of the partially digested bread spewed out of my coughing, chocking mouth. My face, white and dripping with bile sweat and tears. I sink to my knees and my stomach heaves until there’s nothing left.
I can’t bear to look at Marco’s mangled face, and I can’t quite believe that he’s dead. He was smiling only an hour ago, what the hell could’ve happened to him?

“Marco no!” I sob, burying my face in his shoulder, hiccupping and crying as much as my body will let me. He was my friend, someone I trusted and looked up to and here he is; unrightfully dead.

Then, a rush of anger waves over me. I feel different, like I’m metamorphosizing into something new, something strange.

“Marco!” I screech, as my insides burn and contort. Then it stops. Shapes and colours blur around me, I roar in a mixture of pain, anger and confusion.

That’s when everything turns black.

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