Chapter 2: Nerves

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A/N. Here is the second chapter to the story! Enjoy!

Song of the Chapter: Complex feelings about my own existence feat.junkook- In Love With A Ghost

Disclaimer: I do not own Hary Potter and no profit is being made.

If Scorpius was honest to himself the last thing he wanted to do was spend the summer holidays at the Potters house.

Even though the war had ended years ago, the grudges that were made are hard to let go and Scorpius knows that better than anyone. How many times have people looked down on him just for being a Malfoy? A lot. It was a little bit better at Hogwarts. Sure most people couldn't get over the fact his family has a long history of being Death Eaters but others got over it and tried to become friends with him.

And one of those people was Albus Severus Potter.

Their friendship was... unexpected to say the least and it was hot gossip for the majority of the first semester. But Scorpius ignored the crazy rumors. He was happy to have such a great friend in Al. They became quick friends throughout the year and were thick as thieves.

Of course one downside to this friendship was Albus' father, Harry Potter. Scorpius' fathers old enemy. And now Scorpius is just going to spend two weeks at his house. You know no biggie.

"Don't worry about it Scor." Said Albus as he helped pack Scorpius' trunk. "My siblings will grow to care you. You know, the way mould grows on old bread." It's their last day at Hogwarts and tomorrow they would be departing for Albus house.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence but it's not your siblings I'm worried about." Scorpius muttered. "It's your parents I'm worried about. What if they hate me?"

Albus rolled his eyes. "Why? Because of what happened decades ago? My parents are over that... well most of it. Is this because of other people think?"

Scorpius sighed. Albus knew him too well. He looked out the window of his dormitory, deep in thought. Outside a few Hufflepuffs had enchanted water balloons and were throwing them at each other. He wished his life was that simple.

"Yes... no... maybe? Im not entirely sure anymore myself. I guess I'm just nervous. What if they don't like me?" Scorpius shrugged.

Before Albus could reply a large bang came out of nowhere. Standing at the door was Ravenclaw Prefect Joshua with his hands on his hips and a very stern expression across his face.

"Albus! What are you doing here? This is your fifth time sneaking into our dormitory this week! Get out before I deduct points." Joshua shouted.

Albus laughed and quickly ran out of Scorpius dormitory. However he turned back and ducks his head in between the door and Joshua.

"Scorpius don't worry about. If my parents could accept me being in Slytherin and your parents' accepted you being in Ravenclaw then my parents will learn to like you!"  At that Albus ran off, as Joshua followed him, yelling. Scorpius snorted.  Al's parents will only start liking him when pigs fly.

On the other hand maybe enchanting a couple of pigs to fly aren't a bad idea at all.

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