I got back into my car and decided to calm her again, someone picked up on the third ring "Daphne, where are you?" I asked "Hello, do you know the owner of this phone? I found it lying on the floor" Some elderly lady said. She described where she was and I immediately drove there, her car was packed by the roadside, what scared me most was that it wasn't even locked. If she went somewhere I'm sure she could have locked it. I collected her phone, locked up the car and thanked the old lady.

It was just blocks away from Evans's office so I drove there, "Evans, I think Daphne has been kidnapped. "Can I see the CCTV cameras around this area?" I asked "Yes sure, let's go to the control room" He said. We watched the cameras and I noticed her entering a tinted black van guided my two men dressed in black with face caps. We watched them drive away till they were no longer in sight.

"Let's go to the police station" Evans suggested, I just nodded. He drove because I wasn't even in the right state of mind to drive. When we made a police report it was already about 7pm, 4 hours after her disappearance, the police took the place number of the car but found out that it was a fake plate number. They promised to do their best but I wasn't at ease.

Evans dropped me at home and asked me to wait for the police to do their job, he reassured me that they would find her and I should get some rest. "How could I sleep when my happiness was out somewhere? Who could have done this? Was it one of my business rivals or who?" I sat in the bath tub for about an hour with the cold water pouring on my body.

At about fifteen minutes to 10pm I heard my phone ring, I picked it up and I heard her speak, it was Daphne calling me. She was alive.

"Williams, Williams, it's me Daphne" She said with tears choking her voice. "It's Mellisa and Michealo, they kidnapped me." She continued in between sobs. "Do you know where they took you?" I said worry etched in my voice, "it's a warehouse, there's dead cars and parts all over. You can hear a constant sound of cars being crushed from a distance, please come find me" She cried out. "I'm coming, I'm coming for you" I said with sadness and pain filling my voice.

I dressed up and headed towards the police station, I called Evans midway to meet me there. I described the place to the police and they found the place, there was only one junkyard around this area. It was about 20 miles from here, we set out to the place. It was I, Evans and two police trucks filled with heavily armed officers. I was going to see her soon.

Daphne's POV:

I woke up again, I tried to move but I felt piercing pain course through my body, my arms hurt, my legs hurt, my stomach hurt. I looked down at my clothes and saw blood all over it.

I looked up and Michealo was back, he stood there beside Mellisa looking a little bit unhappy. They were discussing in hushed tones and whispers when a man cave running in. "The police, they're coming" he screamed. The rest of them picked up their ammunition and left me, Mellisa and one other man with a gun in their hands.

"This is the police, you are surrounded. Come out with your hands up in the air" I heard the police say through a loudspeaker. Next thing I heard was shots being fired everywhere.

Williams's POV:

The police surrounded the place and called them out, me and Evans together with few policemen snuck to the back so that we could enter inside and get Daphne.

We found a back door and we were walking through it when shots started flying around, the police shit down most of the men and we walked into an inner room, there I found Daphne with Mellisa pointing a gun at her head.

"Don't come closer" she warned "Or I'll shoot" I stopped in my tracks and looked towards her. "Why are you doing this Mellisa?" I asked. "Can't you see she coming between you and me?" She screamed like a crazy person.

"There is no us Mellisa, that was 7 years ago" I said trying  my best to be calm and distracting her by conversing with her. I looked at my peripheral view where the policemen were already rounding her up from behind. "You said, you would love me forever, no matter what happened" she said again. "That was until you left me for someone else remember?" I continued as the policemen crept closer to her.

The policeman immediately held her hand and struggled to remove the gun from her hands but while they were struggling for the gun I heard a shot fire followed by a scream. It was her voice. Mellisa shot Daphne at the side of her stomach.

The police subdued Mellisa and placed her on the ground, I rushed over and Evans began to help me untie her, "You'll be fine Daphne, you'll be fine" I said to her as I watched her eyelids droop, she was loosing so much blood. I laid her on the floor as Evans placed a call to the paramedics. The police and the remaining kidnappers exchanged shots until they were all killed.

Michealo and Mellisa were rounded up and tied up, the police placed them in one of their vans and took them away.

I felt Daphne clutch the sleeve of my shirt and I turned to look at her "it's happening like my dream Williams" she said gasping for air, "Always remember that I will always love you" she said gasping for breath. "Don't say that, I'll take you to the hospital, you'll be fine" I said kissing her forehead. I heard the siren of the ambulance approaching "I.. love.. you.. forever.." she said taking her final breath. She wasn't breathing anymore, her eyes were closed. She was dead. My Daphne was dead. "Noooooooooooooo!!!!!" I screamed and broke into tears.

I'm crying too😭
She died

Her Billionaire Boyfriend❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora