Chapter 21

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Williams's POV:

"I need your help" I began and paused to watch her reaction, she looked surprised but still had a knowing look on her face. "I need your help with Daphne, I take it that you already knows there's something going on between us" I asked her, "Yes sir, but I really don't know what you need my help for" she replied. I figured Daph didn't tell her about our big fight so I explained what happened to her. "Wow, that's much sir" she said sadly, "what can I do to help?" She asked further. "You'll need to..." I started when my phone started buzzing, "excuse me" I said to Miss Johnson.

It was Louisiana calling, the housekeeper at the penthouse, "Yes, what's wrong?" I said in my normal tone, "Sir, Daphne sir, Miss Rivers sir" she mumbled, "What happened to her?" I asked agitated. "She's leaving sir, she packed all her stuff and she's leaving" she said in a sad tone. "Shit! Thank you Louisiana" I said and cut off the phone.

I looked towards Miss Johnson, "she moved out" I said in a low voice, "yes sir, she's staying with me for the meantime sir" she replied. "Oh that's a relief" I sighed. "Now to my plan, I need you to help me pick out a dress Daphne will really like, you know what she likes right? I need to buy her a gown for the ball" I said. "But, you have to make sure she doesn't know it's from me, just tell her you're gifting it to her or something." I informed her of the rest of my plan and she agreed to help me.

After we were done talking, she stood up from the chair and walked towards the door where she paused and turned "Daphne likes you sir, a lot. So if I help you, please don't break her heart again" she said a little sternly. "I would never, please do me a favor and make sure no males come near her till she's mine again. Thank you" I said and smiled, she nodded and stepped out of the door.

It's one thing to make a plan, it's another thing for the plan to go well and manifest properly. By the end of this week I should have my Daphne back in my arms. I took out my cellphone and looked at the picture I took of her while she was asleep like a little baby.

I heard my phone beep and it was from Miss Johnson, she had sent pictures of some dresses that Daphne had admired before, I chose the red gown and purchased it for her. It was a strapless red full length gown designed with sequins all over the top, I imagined it on her, it would look nice because she had a perfect body.
Phase one of my plan completed, I can only hope the rest fall into place.

Daphne's POV:

I moved into Tessa's house and I've been staying there all this while. It was Thursday today, I hadn't been to the office since Tuesday, I spent all my time planning for the event. I opened up to Tessa about what happened between me and William and she was always there for me, telling me everything will be alright.

I had an appointment with the event planner this morning, so I dressed up and made my way to the venue. Immediately I entered the hall, I saw the event planner far off talking to someone who was standing behind a wall so I couldn't see who it was. As I approached the man, I inhaled a very familiar fragrance, a fragrance that once gave me comfort, I shook myself and diverted my mind from it.

The event planner turned around and looked in my direction, "Daphne, come over you're just the person we've been waiting for" He said cheerfully, I walked over to him, "Good morning mike" I said to him, I turned to look at the person he was conversing with. It was him, Williams stood there looking at me, he was here, he was real. As much as I was upset with him, I missed him so much. "Good morning sir, I didn't expect to see you here" I said to him, he had dark circles under his eyes, was he not sleeping well? He had grown a stubble of hair on his chin and jaw making his already perfectly carved face look more handsome and it gave him this bad boy look. "Oh no, what am I thinking? He hurt me" I thought inwardly.
"I just came to check out how things were going, you're doing a good job Daphne, although we miss you back at the office" he said emphasizing on the last part. "Did he really miss me? Maybe he did" I thought to myself.

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