Chapter 19 - The Wedding

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Fala's POV
I could sense distress Hawk and Rose both sad but happy deep inside. I was the most excited, though I did feel bad. I was here celebrating when they not even sure what to do. In truth I felt useless, nothing I did would cheer them up but I still tried my best.

I went to Rose's room and saw her writing a speech. "Do you need help" I asked trying to sound confident. "I'm finished, I just need someone to talk to" She said but I couldn't tell weather she was upset or what. "I'm all ears" I replied smiling, but she didn't say a thing so I started "look, I know my brother was an idiot but he has changed". "I know but if I can't trust him as a friend why should I think I should trust him as a husband" she said not portraying any emotion. "I know Hawk is an idiot but he would never do anything to hurt you" I said trying me best to calm her down. "What makes you say that" she said with a challenging smile, "because he loves you" I said instantly covering my mouth after. Rose smiled then frowned and I was still clueless to what she was thinking.

"He has never once said that" she replied calmly. "Well I shouldn't have told you that" "it's ok, Im much happier knowing the truth" she said before walking to the mirror. She looked into the mirror for around a minute before saying "you should probably go check on Hawk, I hear Mirror Hawk is sick today" she said before walking back to her desk and sitting down.

I bid farewell and went to visit Hawk. "Hey bro" I said casually "hey sis" he replied after thinking for a few seconds. "Do you think she will ever forgive me" he asked upset "of course she already did but she is still mad at you" I said before covering my mouth like I did earlier. "Man I'm bad at keeping secrets" I whispered to myself but Hawk could hear me. "You didn't tell her any of my secrets did you" Hawk asked seriously "h..h..he..he mayyybbeeeee" I said. "Anyway you should go down all the guest arrived and you have to greet them, Rose will come when the ceremony begins" I said averting the topic then I said bye and left.

Astoria's POV
Everything was set and Hawk came down, everyone was congratulating him and greeting him. All of our friends but Rose decided to throw him a surprise birthday party after.

After like 30 minutes Hawk was seated on a big throne next to an empty one saved for Rose. Fala went to call her to come down.

Rose's POV
As I was walking down I made sure I looked perfect. The bridesmaids dresses were amazing, I didn't expect anything less since LingLing designed them

The scariest moment of my life lay before me, it may look like a few steps to the bare eye but to my heart it was a mile

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The scariest moment of my life lay before me, it may look like a few steps to the bare eye but to my heart it was a mile. I smiled and waved as I walked down the isle gracefully and elegantly, leaving all my emotions behind at the other side.

Hawk's POV
The minute Rose entered the room I couldn't take my eyes off her, she wasn't wearing a wedding dress it was more like a coronation dress but none the less it suited her perfectly. "Hawk you might wanna close your mouth" Travis said smirking, "I regret choosing you as my best man" I said coldly whilst glaring at him.

Rose had reached the throne next to mine and only then could I properly see her dress. It was red and gold with a long trailing cape. She smiled sweetly even though she was sad

I wanted to tell her she looked nice but she felt like a stranger so I didn't say anything, the two of us sat there in awkward silence waiting for the ceremony to start

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I wanted to tell her she looked nice but she felt like a stranger so I didn't say anything, the two of us sat there in awkward silence waiting for the ceremony to start. "Happy birthday Hawk" she said politely but not another word. "Thank you" I replied formally, never in my life had I felt so far from someone siting right besides me.

The ceremony had started and Rose's fanboys were actually crying. "Do you two take each other to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife till death do you part" the priest asked. Me and Rose were about to open our mouths but he continued "actually it doesn't matter what you say the agreement says yes weather you like it or not" me and Rose both glared at our grannies.

It felt like time had frozen the day I wished for since our very first ball now a nightmare to be dreaded. We were not yet married but in a few seconds everything would change, I felt like running away but I stood bravely smiling though I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Once these crowns have been placed on your heads you will be husband and wife" he said happily, and in the corner of my eyes I could see granny smiling as this was the best day of her life as she called it. "Do you Prince Hawk SnowWhite and Princes Rose Cinderella swear to protect and rule fairytale land side by side, hand in hand" he asked. Before answering me and Rose both scanned the room.

We looked around till our eyes met and we gave each other a signal, both of us noticed that Vicky's seat was empty and she had been there a moment before. We looked at each other then nodded, as the crowns were about to be placed on our heads both of us yelled "STOP" we yelled in unison. All eyes were on us, but granny looked angry. "Something is not right" Rose said to me and both of us pulled our wands out.

"Glass/Ice magic" me and Rose casted making a shield to protect the guest and students. We heard and evil laugh it was Vicky "I knew you two were the smart ones" she said with an evil grin. She started shooting dark magic everywhere. "You take the down the villains and I will take everyone to safety" Rose ordered me and the rest of the team. "You not gonna come with us" I asked "you always were the hero weren't you" Rose said smiling. "Be safe" I said worried "you to" she replied, and we both smiled and this was the first time I smiled a genuine smile since the beginning of this year. We ran off in opposing directions hoping it wasn't the last time we saw each other.

I changed my style of writing for this chapter, so pls comment weather it is better or if I should stick to the old style and not do paragraphs. I hope you enjoyed the Chapter. 1924 words

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