Chapter 5

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As soon as Lightning asked Breakneck to go run around and try to find Lava Hound he took off towards the poorer Countries, because they didn't need the chaos anymore than he wanted. Back with the hero's, they were still planning and discussing what the plan was. Lightning and Miss Light were trying to get power and access to the satellite, so they could warn other hero's of the suspected attack. "Where's Twister?" Blaze asked Roxy "I don't know after he stormed off I haven't seen him since," she replied. Hm Blaze thought to him self "That's not really like him to not come back," the 2 looked at each other "Well he made a strong point we got our asses kicked and Light wasn't any where to be seen," she looked away. Blaze still looking at her replied "Doesn't mean we turn our back on her," Roxy thought to her self 'does it matter.'

Breakneck had already searched most of the planet when he thought to him self. Where is the most obvious spot an ancient villain would go to start something. Just when that thought hit him he saw a mugging, it was 3 men vs 1 elderly couple. He instantly stopped to help the couple, he went back to normal speed and tapped one of the guys on the shoulder, when the man turned around he gasped and Breakneck punched him in the face at super speed sending him to the ground the other 2 men looked at they're friend on the ground then looked up and no one was their. "Quit fucking around man," Man 1 said he turned back to the couple only to be hit in the face by something too fast to see, the last man standing looked around and pulled his gun out and turned to the couple and he was hit to the ground by the man of the couple. Breakneck stopped beside the man "Thanks for the assistance," Breakneck said to the man making him chuckle, the woman ran up to the 2 and hugged them. "I don't usually let strangers hug me," Breakneck told her, she let go of him "I'm sorry, thank you young man," she said to him "Don't worry about it," He told her. They all had a moment of awkward silence then Breakneck said "Well I gotta go," the man looked from his wife to him and told Breakneck "Ok thank you," Breakneck turned around and said "I would stay out of shade ally's you never know what's gonna pop out and ra-" he stopped once he saw that a news channel was broadcasting Lava Hounds attack on New York. He then instantly ran off towards The Elemental HQ to tell them.

The Elementals- Acceptance जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें